Spirit Communications System ConnecT/R User Manual
Page 21

If a SPIRIT Telephone is attached to the
HFAI can't be turned on or
ConnecT/R and if HFAI is on, telephone device
off from telephone device.
will not ring on intercom calls.
If SPIRIT Telephone places a call on hold and
Telephone device cannot
telephone device goes off-hook, device may connect
pick up a call placed on
to next idle (available) line, depending on how you
hold by attached SPIRIT
set MODE and whether SPIRIT Telephone is on- or
Line Reserve
Telephone device may ring with the special ring
Telephone device can't use
pattern associated with the feature if the attached
this feature to reserve a
SPIRIT Telephone has used the feature. If
specific line.
telephone device's receiver is picked up during line
reserve ringing, it will be connected to the line
reserved by attached SPIRIT Telephone.
Manual Signaling
Not supported for telephone device.
Telephone device can't
manually signal other
SPIRIT Telephones or
telephone devices and will
not ring if someone signals
its port.