Sunrise Medical Quickie Match Point User Manual

Page 18

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930469 Rev. A

X I . T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g


You will need to adjust your chair from time to time for best performance (especially if
you alter the original settings). This chart gives you a first solution, then a second
and a third if needed. You may need to look farther to find the best solution for a spe-
cific problem.

NOTE– To keep track of your progress, make only ONE change at a time.


Turn In Chair


Turn In Chair

Looseness In Chair

Sluggish T


Squeaks And


Caster Flutter

Make sure tire pressure is correct and equal in both rear tires and
front caster tires, if pneumatic.

Make sure all nuts and bolts are snug.

Make sure all spokes and nipples are tight on radial spoke wheels.

Use Tri-Flow Lubricant (Teflon


-based) between all modular frame

connections and parts.




✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ ✓

Make sure both front casters touch the ground simultaneously. If
they do not, add the proper spacers between the bottom bearing of
the caster plate and fork stem nut until they do. Make sure you
check for this problem on a flat surface.

✓ ✓

X . S e t - u p & A d j u s t m e n t

930469 Rev. A



After the wheelchair is assembled and adjusted, it
should roll smoothly and easily. All accessories should
also perform smoothly. If you have any problems, fol-
low these procedures:

1. Review assembly and adjustment sections to

make sure chair was properly prepared.

2. Review troubleshooting guide.
3. If your problem persists, contact your authorized

Quickie supplier.
If you still have a problem after contacting your
authorized Quickie supplier, contact Sunrise
Medical Mobility Products customer service. See
the introduction page for details on how to con-
tact you authorized Quickie supplier or Sunrise
Medical Mobility Products customer service.