Sunrise Medical Wheelerchair User Manual
Guardian wheelchairs, Guardian escort

Guardian Escort
The objective was to create a standard wheelchair combining quality,
function and value to elevate the industry standard for the 21st century.
We're proud to say the Guardian Escort exceeds these expectations.
Designed with technologically advanced materials, the results are a
product with an elegantly simple design and rugged durability.
Standard Features
• Innovative design using technologically advanced materials to provide
a scratch-resistant, rust-resistant and extremely durable chair
• Distinctive style and attractive silver texture finish is easy to maintain
• Armrests feature a 3-point anchor and toggle release for secure
attachment and easy removal
• Spring-assisted wheel lock design provides improved user safety
during transfers
• Adjustable axle bracket improves maneuverability and stability
Options for Versatility
• Bi-directional footrests swing in and out for easier transfers and
better access in small spaces
• Unique elevating legrest design eliminates traditional push rod to
deliver long-term performance
• Full length, traditional or standard desk length arms with armpads
made of advanced composite materials provide the comfort of
padding and the ease of plastic
• Transport chair configuration with 12" rear wheels and fold-down
space-saving backrest
• Padded nylon or easy-to-clean vinyl upholstery provides comfort
and convenience
Swing In/Out Footrests
Adjustable Axle
As the world's leading manufacturer of custom
mobility products, Sunrise Medical knows
wheelchairs. We also know that for basic
patient transportation needs your requirements
are different. You need wheelchairs that have
been designed with durability in mind to provide
years of trouble-free service at a cost that
maximizes the return on your investment.
You also require choices. Choices in style, size,
features and configurations to accommodate
all of your customers' needs, as well as a choice
of suppliers.
Six Easy Care™ models, covering the spectrum
from basic to high-strength lightweight, along
with the Guardian Escort
, the new standard
for the 21st century, establish the Guardian
family of wheelchairs as the best combination
of quality, value and selection.