Filter assembly – SPT SD-2201S User Manual
Page 13

The filter prevent larger remnants of food o r other o bje cts from getting inside the pump.
The filter system con sists of a coarse filter, a f lat (Main filter)
and a micro filte r (fine filter).
Food and soil particl es tr apped by thi s filter are pu lverized by a
spe cial jet on the spray arm and wash ed down to drain .
Main filter
Larger i tems, such as pie ces of bone or glass, that could block
the drain are trap ped in the coarse filter. To re move the items
cau ght b y the filter, gently squeeze th e tap on the top of this
filte r and lift out.
Coarse filter
This filter ho lds soil and food residue in the sump a rea and
prevents it from being redeposit on the dishes during wash cycle.
Fine filter
Filter assembly
The filter efficiently
For best performance and results, the filter assembly must be regu larly.
this reason, it is a good idea to
remove the larger food particl es trapp ing i n the filte r after each wash cycle b y rinsin g the filte r and cup un der
runn ing w ate r. To remove the filte r assemb ly, pull on th e cu p handle in the u pwa rd di rection.
re mo ves f ood particle s from the wa sh water, allowing it to be re-cyclated during the cycle.
N ever run the dishwa sher without the filters in place.
The d ishwash er must never b e used without the filters.
Impro per replacement of the filter may reduce the performance level of the appliance
and dama ge dishes and utensils.
the filter system will be installed.
If do it from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed; while if do it from Step 3 to Step 1,
Step1:contrarotate the Fine
lift it up;
Step3:lift the Main filter up