Serial/pass-thru port administration – Sentry Industries PT40 User Manual
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Displaying outlet information
The Show Outlets command displays information about all outlets. This information includes:
• Descriptive outlet name, if applicable
• Outlet wakeup state setting
To display outlet information:
At the Sentry: prompt, type show outlets and press Enter.
The following command displays all outlet information:
Sentry: show outlets
Outlet Outlet Wakeup
ID Name State
.A1 DataServer_1 off
.A2 WebServer_1 on
.A3 FileServer_1 on
.A4 on
Serial/Pass-Thru Port Administration
Creating a descriptive Pass-Thru port name
The Set Port Name command assigns a descriptive name to a Pass-Thru port. You may use this name
in commands that require a port name as an alternative to using the port’s absolute name.
To create an port name:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set port name, followed by the absolute outlet name and a descriptive
name of up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal - spaces are not
allowed). Port names are not case sensitive. Press Enter.
NOTE: Port names ‘1’ thru ‘64’, ‘CONSOLE’ and ‘MODEM’ are reserved system names and may not be used.
The following command adds the descriptive name Router1 to port 1:
Sentry: set port name 1 Router1
Setting the serial/Pass-Thru ports data-rate
The Set Port Speed command sets the default data-rate for all serial/ Pass-Thru ports.
Valid data-rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200.
To set the serial/Pass-Thru port data-rate:
At the Sentry: prompt, type set port speed, follow by the data-rate and press Enter.
The following command sets the serial/Pass-Thru ports data-rate to 38400 BPS:
Sentry: set port speed 38400
Sentry Commander - PT40
• 31
Installation and Operations Manual