Serial ports – Sentry Industries PT40 User Manual
Page 19

Serial Ports
The Serial Ports configuration page is used for maintenance of all serial/Pass-Thru ports.
NOTE: Pass-Thru connections may only be initiated from the command line interface via a direct serial or Telnet session.
Setting the data-rate for all serial/Pass-Thru ports:
Select the serial/Pass-Thru port data-rate from the drop-down menu and press Apply.
Creating a descriptive Pass-Thru port name:
Click on the Edit link in the Action column next to the port to be configured.
On the subsequent Serial Port Edit page, enter the descriptive name. Up to 24 alphanumeric and other typeable
characters (ASCII 33 to 126 decimal, spaces and colon characters are not allowed) are allowed. Press Apply.
NOTE: Port names ‘1’ thru ‘64’, ‘CONSOLE’ and ‘MODEM’ are reserved system names and may not be used.
Enabling or disabling serial/Pass-Thru port active signal checking:
Click on the Edit link in the Action column next to the port to be configured.
On the subsequent Serial Port Edit page, select On or Off from the DSR Check drop-down menu and press Apply.
Enabling or disabling modem initialization strings:
By default, the Sentry assumes an external modem is attached to the Modem port and sends
initialization strings to that modem as necessary. The XLS series sends the initialization strings under
the following conditions:
• System start –DSR is high and DCD is low
• Normal operations – If DSR transitions from low to high and DCD is low
• Normal operations – After a session initiated from the Modem port ends
• Normal operations – After a Pass-Thru connection to the Modem port is disconnected
Click on the Edit link in the Modem port Action column.
On the subsequent Serial Port Edit page, select On or Off from the Modem Initializations drop-down
menu and press Apply.
Editing modem initialization strings:
Click on the Edit link in the Modem port Action column.
On the subsequent Serial Port Edit page, enter the initialization string in the appropriate field and press
The Init1 and Init2 strings may be up to 48 characters. The Attention and Hang-up strings may be up to
16 characters.
Predefined Modem Initialization Strings
String Type String
Init 1
Gets modem attention
Init 2
AT E0 Q1 S0=1 S2=64 S12=50 &C1 &D2
Initializes default settings required
Switches the modem to command mode
Forces a hang-up of an active connection
NOTE: Sentry Remote Power Managers do NOT support variable data-rate mode modems. The modem operating mode
must be set to fixed data-rate mode to avoid the data-rate being changed after initialization.
The modem manual must be referred to as the command(s) required to set the configuration to fixed data-rate mode vary
significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer. The modem should be configured directly from a PC using a terminal
program and the command &W be used to save the new configuration to memory and set it to default.
Sentry Commander - PT40
• 15
Installation and Operations Manual