SoundCraft B400 User Manual

Page 19

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B400 Installation


IInntteerrnnaall MMoonniittoorr SSoouurrccee SSeelleeccttiioonn

The DESK 'A' bank of switches, on the Monitor Module, allows you to select 1 of 6

internal signals as the internal monitor source. The 6 are selected via the scramble

card (SC3556) in the console. The appropriate section of this PCB's silk screen is

reproduced below. The six signals may be chosen from Groups 1 to 8, the Stereo

Mix (ST), a mono sum of the Stereo Mix, or Aux1 to Aux 4.
There is also a spare left and spare right feed which may be used to monitor any suit-

able point in the console.
The Scramble Card used is common to the larger B800 console, and the legending

corresponds as follows:

Aux 2 legend = Aux 1

Aux 4 legend = Aux 2

Aux 6 legend = Aux 3

Aux 8 legend = Aux 4 (stereo)

ST2 legend = ST

The Layout of the card is shown below:

FFiittttiinngg LLiinnkkss

Suitably sized hair-pin links may be soldered into the appropriate through-plated

holes. Take care to select the correct side when connecting a stereo pair. For exam-

ple, if you wanted to assign Source 1 to Aux 3 then you would fit links L20 and L47. If

you then wanted to assign Source 2 to Aux 4 (which is a stereo pair) then you would

fit links L75 and L102.