Getting started – Saitek Cyborg Evo User Manual

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In order for this product to function correctly please install the drivers on
the CD supplied with this product. The force effects of this joystick will not
work unless the correct drivers have been installed.


A) Drivers Only For Typical Users


With your computer switched on, close down any programs that are currently running and insert the Saitek
Smart Technology CD into your CD-ROM drive.


When the Introduction Screen appears, click Install Software to continue. If the CD does not run automatically,
select Start from the Windows® Taskbar, then Run and type D:\Setup.exe and click OK - where D:\ is the letter
of your CD-ROM drive.


When the Welcome screen appears, click Next to continue.


After reading the Disclaimer, select the I accept the terms of the Disclaimer option and click Next to continue.


At the Driver Setup screen, if you haven’t already done so, plug in your controller and click on Next.


At the Driver Setup screen, click Next to test your controller.


When the Saitek Controller screen appears, try out all your controller’s buttons, controls and forces to show that
it is working properly. When you have finished, click OK.


At the Software Setup screen, select Do not install the SST Programming Software and click Next. The
Programming Software can be installed at a later date by following instruction (B). below


At the Registration screen, select Check this box to register now and follow the on-screen instructions, or
you can choose to select this option later.

10 Click on Finish to complete the installation.

B) Drivers and Programming Software For Advanced Users


Follow points 1 – 7 of the install procedure in A), then at the Software Setup screen, select Install the SST
Programming Software
and click Next.


In the following Software Setup screen, click Next and follow the on-screen instructions. At this point you will
be asked to install such features as the Saitek Magic Mouse, HID-compliant mouse, Saitek Magic Keyboard
and HID Keyboard Device (these are what XP calls the various elements of your Saitek controller). Continue to
click on Next and Finish to accept the installation until the Registration screen appears.


At the Registration screen, select Check this box to register now and follow the on-screen instructions, or do
not select this option and register later.


Upon completion of the installation, you have the option to Run Profile Editor, which will give you a view of the
3D programming environment. If you do not wish to see the Profile Editor at this point, just uncheck the box and
click on Finish to complete the installation.


A) Drivers Only For Typical Users


With your computer switched on, close down any programs that are currently running and insert the Saitek
Smart Technology CD into your CD-ROM drive.


When the Introduction Screen appears, click Install Software to continue. If the CD does not run automatically,
select Start from the Windows® Taskbar, then Run and type D:\Setup.exe and click OK - where D:\ is letter of
your CD-ROM drive.


When the Welcome screen appears, click Next to continue.


After reading the Disclaimer, select the I accept the terms of the Disclaimer option and click Next to continue.


At the Device Driver Installation screen, click on Next and follow the on-screen instructions.


When prompted, plug your controller’s USB connector into your computer, then click on Configure.


When the Controller Properties screen appears, click Next to view the Test screen.


Now try out all your controller’s buttons, controls and forces to show that it is working properly. When you have
finished, click OK.

This product uses a dynamic auto-calibration system, which is designed to give
you more accurate control of your favourite flight simulation games through your
Saitek Joystick. To maximize the effectiveness of this feature, ensure that the
stick is moved fully forwards, backwards and to both sides after booting up your
PC and before loading up your game.

Ce produit utilise un système dynamique d’auto-calibrage, qui est destiné à
vous offrir un contrôle plus précis de vos jeux de simulation de vol préférés
grâce à votre joystick Saitek. Afin d’optimiser l’efficacité de cette caractéristique,
assurez-vous que vous pouvez manier votre joystick vers l’avant, vers l’arrière,
et sur les côtés après avoir lancé votre PC et avant d’installer votre jeu.

Für eine präzise Kontrolle im Spiel verwendet dieser Saitek Joystick ein
dynamisches Kalibrierungs-System. Bewegen Sie den Joystick jeweils bis zum
Anschlag nach oben, nach unten und zu beiden Seiten nachdem Sie Ihren PC
hochgefahren haben. Starten Sie anschließend das gewünschte Spiel.

Questo prodotto utilizza un sistema dinamico di calibrazione automatica,
progettato per consentirvi un controllo più accurato dei vostri simulatori di volo
favoriti con il vostro Joystick Saitek. Per massimizzare l'efficacia di questa
funzione, è necessario muovere il joystick completamente in avanti, indietro, a
destra e a sinistra dopo avere avviato il PC e prima di caricare il vostro gioco.

Este producto usa un sistema dinamico de auto calibración para un mejor
control del joystick en los juegos de simulación. Para maximizar la efectividad
del sistema es necesario mover el joystick TOTALMENTE adelante, atras a
izquierda y a derecha al encender el ordenador y antes de cargar el juego.

Cyborg Evo Force Manual EFGIS.qxd 15/07/2004 12:38 Page 4