Snom 320 User Manual
Page 78

78 • Settings
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Music on Hold Server: If you specify a SIP URI pointing to a
media server account, the phone will, when a call is put on hold, invite
this SIP URI to call the held phone to play music on hold.
Alert Info URL: This URL should point to a web server where
audio alert messages are accessible.
User Picture URL: Specify an URL to a small JPEG picture. When
the fl ash plugin feature (Preferences page) is enabled, this picture will be
shown on the “Home” web page during a call.
Music on Hold Streaming URL: This turns MOH streaming on, no
matter what appears on the RTPport. When this setting is available, the
phone adds a supported header „x-moh-stream“, which stops the other
phone from inviting the MOH server (avoiding double MOH bandwidth
The streaming format is always http (or https!). The phone
expects WAV fi le format, either in ulaw-format (mono 8kHz) with 64
kbit/s or in linear format (mono 8kHz) with 128 kbit/s. Example fi les are
available at
The fi les are automatically repeated (no caching). The phone
expects a content-length header in http; if the fi le is „endless“, the
content-length header should be omitted. Currently, Chunked encoding is
not supported. The phone buffers 4-5 seconds of media. Tests show that
this is a reasonable value, but it might need adjustment in other network
Dial Plan String: You can set up the dial plan for this line here.
With a dial plan, you can match user input (digits via keyboard) to specifi c
actions like dialing, using a distinct outgoing identity, etc. Please have a
look at the white paper “Dial plan on snom phone” on our website.
Q-Value: You can set up the probability of a registration for each
line through this setting (the default is 1.0). This means that different
registrations with different Q-values will ring in serial order (serial forking)
in contrast to different registrations with the same Q-values, which will
ring in parallel (parallel forking).