Snom 320 User Manual
Page 70

70 • Settings
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Number Display Style: Specifi es how incoming and outgoing
calls are displayed:
Full Contact: The complete URL is shown
Name: Only the name is displayed
Number: Only the number is displayed
Name+Number: Name and number are displayed
Tone Scheme :
Select the dialtone you prefer for your phone.
Also, DTMF echo will differ (on/off) on different schemes.
MWI Notifi cation: Specify the type of MWI notifi cation that will
inform you when a new message arrives.
MWI Dial Tone: Set the dial tone to stutter mode in the case of
an active MWI.
Use Headset Device: Select the headset device you would like
to use. Select none if you don’t want to use a headset.
U.S. Date Format: Here, you can select either U.S. (month/
day) or European (day.month) format for displaying the time and date.
24 Hour clock: When you select “on”, the timestamps will be
formatted in 24-hour format, otherwise in 12-hour format.
Use Flash Plugin: If you want to have a live reaction on
incoming or outgoing calls on the phone’s “Home” page, switch this
option to “on”. Your web browser has to support the Macromedia fl ash
movie format.