Areas – Sierra Housewares S5012 User Manual
Page 54

Figure 2
Partitioned building
with no common area
areas, portions of the building
can be independently armed
and disarmed. In the case of
the first building illustrated, an
employee can work in the re-
pair shop while the showroom,
offices, and warehouse are
armed. Similarly, in the case
of the second illustration, the
restaurant can remain open af-
ter the other shops are closed
and armed.
Dividing a building into areas
changes the following system
1. Users have restricted ac-
cess to system functions. A
user with access to only one
area cannot issue commands
affecting other areas, or obtain
information about the other ar-
2. Keypads may respond dif-
ferently, depending upon
where they are located and
how they are programmed. A
keypad assigned to one area
is limited to handling informa-
tion about that area only.