Sonance Sonamp 875D SE User Manual

875d se amplifier, Sonamp, Power amplifiers

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Power Amplifiers

875D SE Amplifier

The new Sonamp


875D SE is a hybrid 8-channel amplifier

that combines the ef ficiency of digital amplification with
p r o v e n a n a l o g p o w e r s u p p l y t e c h n o l o g y, d e l i v e r i n g
u n p r e c e d e n t e d e f f i c i e n c y, c o m p a c t n e s s a n d h i g h - e n d
sound quality in an extremely flexible and useful package.

Class T digital amplification with Digital Power Processing


allows the 875D SE to deliver high power (75 watts per
channel @ 8 ohms x 8) in an exceptionally small (2U rack
height) package, with all the musical s o u n d q u a l i t y
S o n a n c e S o n a m p s h a v e b e c o m e k n o w n f o r. U n l i k e
conventional digital amplifiers, the 875D SE’s Class T
circuitr y allows it to operate with any of its four pairs of
channels in a bridged mode, providing 300 watts x 4
channels into 8-ohm loads. Four independent power
supplies (one for each zone) use trusted analog technology
to assure that each zone will receive plenty of current
regardless of how hard any other zones are being driven.

The Sonamp 875D SE incorporates BBE


Sound Enhancement

that improves presence and detail of speakers, especially at
lower listening volumes. This makes it par ticularly ef fective
at improving the sound quality of distributed audio
systems playing background music. BBE also restores

clarity and definition (or focus) to spoken voices, making
paging systems easier to understand without having to run
them at high volumes. Each zone in the 875D SE has
individual controls that set the BBE enhancement to +9dB,
+6dB or OFF.

The 875D SE’s multiple input connections (Direct, L/R &
Aux) and buffered line outputs provide the connection
flexibility that Sonance dealers have come to expect. Each
zone has its own 12V input and output triggers and
defeatable auto-on signal sensing that help maximize
power management for the channel configuration in use at
any time. Recessed front-panel controls allow tamper-
resistant adjustment of each channel’s input level, and of
each zone’s auto-on sensitivity.

Serial control capability allows the 875D SE to be
directly controlled by a variety of top-line 3rd-party control
systems. In addition to controlling an extensive array of
operational features, the serial provision also allows the
875D SE’s operation to be monitored from a remote location.
Front-panel LEDs provide Power ON/OFF indication for
the amplifier, and Zone ON/OFF, BBE ON/OFF and Fault
status indication for each zone.

Powerful & Reliable:

• 75W RMS per channel (X8), 0.25% THD, 20Hz - 20kHz,

@ 8 ohms; 140W (X8), 0.1% THD, 1kHz, @ 4 ohms.

• Bridgeable: 300W x 4 @ 8 ohms.

• Four proven analog power supplies (one for each zone).

• Individual protection circuitry for each zone.

Compact Size:

• Compact 2U rack height chassis (rack ears included).

• One 875D SE can do the work of four Sonamp 275 SE

amplifiers in ¼ the space.

High-End Sound Quality:

• Class T digital amplification with Digital Power Processing


delivers high efficiency and musical sound quality; allows
bridging (unlike conventional digital amplifiers).



Sound Enhancement circuitry with individual

ON/OF settings for each zone.

Versatile Inputs, Control and Triggering:

• 11 total inputs (8 D


inputs, 2 L/R inputs, 1 A



and 3 buffered L




(on L/R and A



• Defeatable Auto-On signal sensing for use in distributed

audio systems with in-wall volume controls.

• Voltage triggering (each zone and all zones) for use in

basic control systems.

• Serial control capability (via RS-232 connection).

Operational Features:

• Front-panel P



• Front-panel Z







for each zone.

• Tamper-resistant power switch and recessed front-panel

input level control for each channel.

• Recessed Auto-On trigger levels for each zone.

• Removable speaker connectors for each zone.