Sonance ASAP3D User Manual
Asap3d se stereo power amplifier, Features

Power Amplifiers
ASAP3D SE Stereo Power Amplifier
The ASAP3D SE combines the latest digital power amplifier
technology with proven Sonamp
auto House/Local source
switching and BBE
Sound Enhancement in a new small
package that dramatically expands your installation options.
Featuring a highly ef ficient ICEpower
digital amplifier
that provides 25W RMS/ch @ 8 ohms and 50W RMS/ch
@ 4 ohms with ver y little heat generation, the ASAP3D SE
is housed in a 1U high by ½-rack wide package. This
allows you to mount the amplifier almost anywhere (a key-
hole on the bottom panel even lets you hang it on a wall
behind a flat screen TV), improves its long-term reliability
and provides significant energy savings over conventional
amplifier designs. (ICEpower was developed by B&O, a
company known for high-quality sound.)
The ASAP3D SE will automatically switch a pair of speakers
b etween two dif ferent input sources (
House and Local).
Typically, the
House source will be a whole-home audio
system that normally plays in the area, and the
source will be a nearby source, such as a TV set. A common
application would be to use the ASAP3D SE to power and
automatically switch a pair of speakers in a bedroom from
playing background music sent by the whole-home audio
system to playing the sound of the bedroom TV whenever
the TV is switched on. With the amplifier’s Mono Variable
Output feeding a local-zone powered subwoofer, this
installation would provide much better sound quality than
the TV could supply on its own.
Any one of four dif ferent triggers can be set to cause the
ASAP3D SE to automatically switch from the
House source
to the
Local source:
• The presence of an audio signal at the
Local line or
speaker inputs;
• When a TV set that is connected to the ASAP3D SE’s
AC Trigger outlet is turned ON;
• When an external control voltage is present at the
Voltage Trigger input;
• When triggered by a signal from an IR controller
connected to the IR Input.
A s e t o f I R c o n n e c t i o n s e n h a n c e s i n s t a l l a t i o n a n d
operational flexibility: The
IR Input connection allows
the ASAP3D SE’s automatic input switching, volume,
muting and BBE to be directly controlled by a whole-home
control system or an IR keypad controller. The
IR Output
connection allows the connection of Sonance OptiLinQ
emitters so that 3rd-par ty control signals can be passed-
through to their intended components, and the
IR Bus
connection allows IR signals from multiple ASAP3D SEs to
be passed-through to a single set of IR emitters.
Built-in BBE Sound Enhancement improves the presence and
detail of speakers, especially at lower listening volumes, so
distributed audio systems playing background music sound
better at quiet volume levels. BBE also restores clarity and
definition to spoken voices, making paging systems easier to
understand without their having to be run at high volumes.
The ASAP3D SE’s BBE enhancement can be set to HI (+6dB),
LO (+3dB) or OFF.
Built-in high-pass and low-pass filters protect in-wall volume
controls and tweeter drivers, and conserve energy by preventing
the amplification of inaudible frequencies. Removable quick-
connectors and trigger switches for auto source switching and
BBE settings simplify installation. A series of front-panel LEDs
indicate the amplifier’s operating status and the existence of a
number of fault conditions.
• 25W RMS/ch @ 8 ohms; 50watts RMS/ch @ 4 ohms
• ICEpower
digital amplifier is highly efficient, generating
very little heat and keeping the amplifier’s size to a minimum,
both of which greatly expand installation options.
• Small size (1U rack height, ½-rack width); amp is small
enough to mount on the wall behind a flat-screen TV.
• Automatic
House/Local source switching
• Source switching can be triggered by audio signal, TV
power-up, external control voltage or IR signal.
• IR-controllable (input switching, volume, muting, BBE
• IR Output connections pass signals from IR controller to
emitters for controlling 3rd-party devices.
• IR Bus connection links control signals from multiple
ASAP3D SEs to a single set of emitters.
Sound Enhancement with +3dB, +6dB and OFF
• Front-panel LEDs indicate operating status and fault
• Removable quick-connectors and trigger switches simplify