8 channels a/d converter – SV Sound SX-VT User Manual
Page 22

SX-ST / SX-SV User Manual
page 22
With the optional 8 channels 24 bits A/D converter, the SX-ST / SX-VT series provide
with 8 digital outputs, combined in 4 AES/EBU pairs available on a 25pin Sub-D
The 3 position switches "IN 1 MIX" to "IN 8 MIX" select which sources are routed to the
A/D converters:
IN (left position) :
feeds the direct output of the corresponding Input channel to the
converter. It is the same signal as on the Direct Output connector.
MIX (right position): feeds the Mix of the corresponding Group ( Master ) to the ADC
OFF (center position ): the A/D converter is powered OFF, thus reducing power
consumption when not in use. Note that an audible click is heared
while turning the ADC On and Off.
The L/O red Led above the switches lits ON either when the Limiter becomes active ( L )
or when the modulation reaches or overflows the OdBFS ( O )
Each of the 8 channels is equipped with a fast peak limiter. The LIMITERS switch turns
all limiters ON and OFF. The Limiter becomes active at –3 dBFS
Then sample rate frequency can be selected from 44,1kHz up to 192kHz. The frequency
is selected for all ADC with two switches:
The upper switch selects either 44,1kHz or 48kHz
The lower switch selects their respective multiples.
Clock and Sync:
The ADC's are running on an internal clock with an accuracy of +/- 20 ppm. The same
clock is used to synchronize the internal DC/DC converter that power the entire mixer to
avoid phasing effects.
The internal clock works as "Master" and has no external sync capability. A WordClock
output is available on the 5pin Lemo connector to synchronize external devices such as
digital recorder.