Using equalization, Mixpad 12/9 eq, Mixpad 4 eq – Samson MIXPAD User Manual
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One of the most exciting aspects of using a mixer
such as the MIXPAD is the ability to shape a
sound, using a process called
equalization. But
there are few areas of sound engineering more
misunderstood than equalization, and, just as
good EQ can really help a sound, bad EQ can
really hurt it, so read on...
Every naturally occurring sound consists of a
broad range of pitches, or
frequencies, combined
together in a unique way. This blend is what
gives every sound its distinctive tonal color.
The EQ section in a mixer allows you to alter a
sound by boosting or attenuating specific
frequency areas. The MIXPAD 12 and MIXPAD 9
both provide independent two-band equalization
controls for each of their input channels, while the
MIXPAD 4 provides independent three-band
equalization controls for each input channel.
In all models, the EQ controls in stereo channels
affect both input signals identically.
Each EQ knob is labeled with the maximum
amount of cut or boost provided (± 15 dB in the
case of the High and Low frequencies, and, in
the MIXPAD 4, ±12 dB in the case of the Mid
frequency). In the MIXPAD 12 and MIXPAD 9, the
High EQ knob affects frequencies above 10 kHz, while the Low EQ
knob affects frequencies below 100 Hz (with both using a
curve). In the MIXPAD 4, the High EQ knob affects frequencies above
12 kHz, while the Low EQ knob affects frequencies below 80 Hz (with
both again using a
shelving curve). The MIXPAD 4 also provides an
additional Mid EQ knob, affecting frequencies around 2.5 kHz (using a
bell, or peaking curve). We provided these particular frequency areas
because they have maximum impact on musical signals—that’s why
they are sometimes known as “sweet spots.” When an EQ knob is in its
center detented position (at “0”), it is having no effect. When it is moved
right of center, the particular frequency area is being boosted; when it is
moved left of center, the frequency area is being attenuated.
Using Equalization