Aligning router with table pin, Set up – Woodstock W1736 User Manual
Page 15

W1736 Overarm Router (Mfg. 8/10+)
The router motor must be aligned with the table pin to
ensure accurate work during pin routing operations.
To check/align the router to the table pin, do these
1. Install a 1/4" straight bit into the router.
2. Insert the 1/4" table pin into the center of the table
so the 1/4" side of the pin is facing up.
3. Locate a piece of scrap 2x4 that is at least 4" long,
drill completely through the center of it with a
17/64" drill bit, so it is slightly larger than the 1/4"
table pin (see
Figure 12).
4. Fit the hole in the scrap piece of wood over the
table pin so the scrap piece rests on the table.
5. Using the plunge depth knob shown on Page 3,
lower the installed bit just above the drilled hole.
6. Examine the alignment of the installed router bit
with the hole.
• If the router bit will fit into the hole, skip to
Step 8.
• If the router bit will not fit into the hole, then
the support arm must be adjusted so the router
bit will fit in the hole. Proceed to
Step 7.
7. Loosen the four cap screws that mount the support
arm to the table, align the router bit to the hole in
the scrap piece of wood as shown in
Figure 13, and
tighten the four cap screws.
8. Lower the router bit into the hole to check for lin-
ear alignment (see
Figure 14).
• If the router bit lowers completely into the
hole without getting hung up, then the router is
aligned with the table pin.
• If the router bit gets hung up when being low-
ered into the hole, then slightly shim the sup-
port arm with shim stock and repeat
Steps 7–8.
Note: Minor adjustments can be made by snugging down
the cap screws (squeezing the rubber gasket between the
support arm and the table) in the intended direction of
Aligning Router with
Table Pin
17/64" hole
drilled through block
Figure 12. Example of shop-made
alignment block with 17/64" hole.
1/4" Router Bit
1/4" Table Pin
Figure 13. Shop-made alignment block
being used to align router with table pin.
Figure 14. Checking linear alignment by
lowering router bit into the hole.