Step 2: attach the csa to the computer, Step 3: prepare communications settings – Socket Mobile Cordless Serial Adapter User Manual
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STEP 2: Attach the CSA to the Computer
1. Attach the Cordless Serial Adapter (CSA) to the serial port of the
computer you just installed the software on.
2. Determine the COM port number where you just attached the CSA.
• Click Start | Control Panel | System.
• Click on the Hardware tab. Click on the Device Manager button.
• In the list, click on Ports. The Communications Port should be listed
with its COM number.
3. Use the AC adapter to connect the CSA to a power outlet.
Alternatively, the CSA can draw power off of Pin 9 of your computer’s
serial port if supported.
4. When the adapter has power, the LED should begin flashing blue.
Flash Rate
Once per 2 seconds
Not discoverable
Twice per 2 seconds
Waiting to connect
Three times per 2 seconds
STEP 3: Prepare Communications Settings
Find out what communications settings you need to connect your devices.
The necessary settings may include the following (only some may apply):
• Bluetooth address of the device you wish the CSA to connect to
• Baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, flow control
• Does the local host send DTR signals?
• Does the local host accept notifications of Bluetooth events?
• Security settings (e.g., PIN, encryption, etc.)
• Bluetooth device/service classes detectable by the remote device
• Advanced users only: page scan timing, inquiry scan timing, sniff mode