Sentry controller – Sierra Monitor Corporation 5000 User Manual

Page 3

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Sensor Modules

Sensor modules available for a wide range of gases;

Combustible Gas*

Sulfur Dioxide


Nitrogen Dioxide

Hydrogen Sulfide*

Hydrogen Chloride

Carbon Monoxide*

Hydrogen Cyanide




Nitric Oxide

Hydrogen Fluoride

Methane / Propane

* Refer to IT Series Data Sheet

Analog Input

The analog input modules, 5100-90 and 5100-99 enable the
user to use any sensing device that produces a 4-20 mA DC
signal to communicate with Sentry through an Analog/Digital
signal converter.

Output Expansion Module

The output expansion module provides the same capacity as
the individual Relay Panel, plus it provides 4-20 mA DC out-
puts proportional to the concentration for each sensor mod-

Software Enhancement Package

The Software Enhancement Package provides the Sentry sys-
tem with powerful software features by selecting from a menu
of factory set options. These features include:
MODBUS protocol

Provides the MODBUS protocol software to interface with
a wide variety of third party software. (Other protocols

Factory Edit Gas Tags and Module Tag

The tags normally selected by the user can be built-in
as default tags

Enhanced alarm acknowledgment features

Provides high and low alarm acknowledgement and an
emergency alarm (third alarm) feature

Calibration Systems

Calibration gas can be delivered from a central panel through
permanently installed tubing to the sensors. Since Sentry’s
calibration adjustment is performed in software, it is not nec-
essary to make mechanical adjustments at the sensor. Alter-
natively individual gas delivery lines can be located near the

Sierra Monitor Corp. 1991 Tarob Ct., Milpitas, CA 95035, USA, 408-262-6611, 800-727-4377, FAX: 408-262-9042

Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected]

© 2009 by Sierra Monitor Corporation

Options to Expand System Flexibility

Battery Back-Up

The battery back-up system provides operating power when
AC power drops below 90 VAC. Includes battery, AC line filter,

two battery charging modes, and a 12 to 24 VDC converter.

History Report

lists the last time each significant event

has occurred. Includes
system power interrup-
tion, history reset, alarm,
concentration and cali-
bration information for
each sensor module.

Calibration Report

prints automatically when calibra-

tion is completed.

Diagnostic Report

lists the critical voltage conditions

for each module and can
be selected to print peri-

Relay Logic for Customized Response

Standard Relays-


he controller has DPDT dry contact

relays for low alarm, high alarm, and trouble. Any one sensor
can activate the appropriate relay.

Individual Relays

– I

f separate relay action is required for

each sensor, then the individual relay option is appropriate.
This option provides individual SPDT dry contact relays for
each alarm level for all sensor modules.

Custom Configuration Relays

– the custom configu-

ration relay option permits decision logic before actuating the
relays. Any group of sensors in the same vicinity can actuate
the relay designated for that vicinity (zone).





Sentry Controller