Sierra Monitor Corporation Modbus Communications Interface User Manual
Sentry modbus communications interface

The Sentry Controller Modbus RTU Communica-
tions Interface enables Sentry to easily communi-
cate with PC based Distributed Control Systems
and graphic based human-machine interfaces and
via the FieldServer Technologies gateway to a wide
range of other protocols.
The Sentry system from Sierra Monitor offers comprehen-
sive, cost effective solutions to many specific gas man-
agement requirements. From a simple 4-point monitoring
system to a complete plant wide hazardous gas monitor-
ing system with hundreds of gas detection points, Sentry
meets the need.
With the Modbus communications interface Sentry can
easily interface with a PC-based Distributed Control Sys-
tem to provide a graphical display of hazardous gas condi-
tions in the plant. PC-based DCS software in conjunction
with Sentry provides the operator enhanced data acquisi-
tion, alarming and alarm management, historical trending,
distributed architecture, and integration into the plant’s dis-
tributed control system.
Sentry’s Modbus communication interface provides over
620 different parameters accessible by the PC-based DCS
software, including:
gas concentration
alarm setpoints
sensor diagnostic messages
historical reset time/date
power up/down time/date
trouble alarm time/date
minimum/maximum values plus time/date
high/low alarm latch/non-latched
auto calibration enabled
calibration status/coefficients
calibration concentrations
calibration due date
zone option enabled
operate mode
Using the optional FieldServer Technologies Gateway the
user can convert from the Modbus RTU output to a wide
variety of other protocols including DF1, DH+, Profibus,
Modbus TCP, ControlLogix and many more.
FieldServer Technologies is a division of Sierra Monitor Cor-
poration. More information on FieldServer products can be
found at
Ordering Information
5387-50 Modbus Communications Interface
4301-10 Converter RS-232/RS-485, 9VDC
Sierra Monitor Corp. 1991 Tarob Ct., Milpitas, CA 95035, USA, 408-262-6611, 800-727-4377, FAX: 408-262-9042
Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected]
© 2009 by Sierra Monitor Corporation
Modbus Communications Interface