Sierra Monitor Corporation Sentry 5100 Series User Manual
Sentry gas sensor modules

Two types of gas sensor modules are available for
the Sentry Gas Risk Management System. For
the more common gases such as Combustible
Gas, Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sul-
fide, Chlorine and Ammonia, Sierra Monitor offers
IT Series
Smart Gas Sensor Modules. More
information on the IT Series is available in the spe-
cific IT Series data sheets. For certain gases Si-
erra Monitor offers the 5100 Series Gas Sensor
Modules described in this data sheet.
Sierra Monitor toxic gas sensor modules utilize elec-
trochemical technology to achieve the most accu-
rate and reliable monitoring of gas concentration.
All Sentry 5100 Series sensor modules easily in-
terface to the Sentry controller. Each module has
a unique address, which allows signals from mul-
tiple modules to be multiplexed for communication
with the controller on the same cable. All Sierra
Monitor gas sensor modules are designed for hos-
tile or hazardous environments and are in enclo-
sures approved for Div. 1, Class 1, Groups C, D
Digital Signal Transmission Serial communication to
the controller enables multiplexing sensor modules on a
signal cable, significantly reducing installation costs. This
assures RFI and EMI immunity over extended distances.
One-Person, Non-intrusive Calibration In the calibra-
tion mode, sensors continue to monitor for hazardous
conditions until calibration gas is applied. All adjustments
are made automatically after calibration gas has been re-
moved. Sentry notifies the operator of calibration comple-
tion and allows acceptance or rejection of the calibration
at the controller keypad. There are no manual adjust-
ments required at the sensor module.
Low Sensitivity Check Automatic, post-calibration
check of sensor for proper output. Low sensitivity alpha-
numeric message warns of need for sensor maintenance.
Power Up & Calibration Delays At start-up or calibra-
tion the output of the sensor is locked out and remains
locked for five minutes to avoid erroneous readings during
the warm-up period and after calibration.
Diagnostic Information The alphanumeric display on
the Sentry Controller provides easy to understand diag-
nostic messages.
Sierra Monitor Corp. 1991 Tarob Ct., Milpitas, CA 95035, USA, 408-262-6611, 800-727-4377, FAX: 408-262-9042
Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected]
© 2009 by Sierra Monitor Corporation
Gas Sensor Modules