Sonic Impact Technologies Power 2 User Manual
Page 14

Care and Maintenance
The amplifier must be placed on a har
d flat sur
face with plenty of unobstructed space
around the Power 2 to allow for free movement of air for proper cooling. If the amplifier
is to be placed on a carpeted floor, a Wood, Ceramic, Concrete, Marble... tile or slab
18” x 22” (or larger) must be place under the Power 2 Amplifier.
If the amplifier is left unattended or is exposed near small children or pets, it is recom-
mended that the tube cover be used. Cooling of the tubes is not as effective with the
cover on, although it does allow for adequate operating temperatures.
To add the cover, simply place the cage over the tube top. The cover is locked through
the tightening of the large screw heads on the sides located between the tube top and
transformer case.
To remove the cover, loosen screws that were indicated for fastening. The Power 2’s fas-
tening screw is spring loaded for release after it is loosened. Then while applying a small
amount of outward tension at the screw locations, lift the cover straight up and away
from the tubes.
If the tube cover is not used, it is recommended that the tubes, namely the 6550C/KT88s
are protected from settling dust in NON-USE periods. Dust settling on the tubes can
cause heat impairment of the tubes. Therefore, when the amplifier is NOT IN USE, a
cloth or dust cover should be used.
How do I know when to replace the tubes?
If the tubes lack power to drive your speakers, are hard to bias or won’t hold bias, it
could be time for replacements. Power tubes generally wear faster then small signal
tubes, but how much faster depends on how often you run your system. If you need help
determining these factors or sourcing replacement tubes, contact your Sonic Frontiers
dealer, Sonic Frontiers or The Parts Connection (a division of Sonic Frontiers, 1-800-769-
0747 in the U.S. or Canada, (905) 829-5858 for elsewhere) for further assistance.
Sonic Frontiers recommends only a dry cloth be used to clean the Power 2 Amplifier.
Sonic Frontiers does not warranty damage done through liquids spilled on circuitry.
The location of the screw which
locks the tube cover in place.