Sunrise Medical Quickie M6 User Manual

Page 11

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930457 Rev. A

V I I I .

W a r n i n g s : C o m p o n e n t s & O p t i o n s



Many of the screws, bolts and nuts on this chair are special high-strength fasteners.
Use of improper fasteners may cause your chair to fail.

1. ONLY use fasteners provided by an authorized supplier (or ones of the same type

and strength, as indicated by the markings on the heads).

2. Over- or under-tightened fasteners may fail or cause damage to chair parts.
3. If bolts or screws become loose, tighten them as soon as you can.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of con-
trol may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.


1. At the lowest point, footrests should be AT LEAST 2 1/2 INCHES off the ground.

If set too LOW, they may “hang up” on obstacles you can expect to find in normal
use. This may cause the chair to stop suddenly and tip forward.

2. To Avoid A Trip Or Fall When You Transfer:

a. Make sure your feet do not “hang up” or get caught in the space between

the footrests.

b. Avoid putting weight on the footrests, as the chair may tip forward.

3. NEVER lift this chair by the footrests. Footrests detach and will not bear the weight

of this chair. Lift this chair only by non-detachable parts of the main frame.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control
may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.


Proper inflation extends the life of your tires and makes your chair easier to use.

1. Do not use this chair if any of the tires is under- or over-inflated. Check weekly

for proper inflation level, as listed on the tire sidewall.

2. Low pressure in a rear tire may cause the wheel lock on that side to slip and

allow the wheel to turn when you do not expect it.

3. Low pressure in any of the tires may cause the chair to veer to one side and

result in a loss of control.

4. Over-inflated tires may burst.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control
may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.

V I I .

W a r n i n g s : C o m p o n e n t s & O p t i o n s

930457 Rev. A



Anti-tip tubes can help keep your chair from tipping over backward in most
normal conditions.

1. Sunrise Recommends Use Of Anti-Tip Tubes:

a. UNLESS you are a skilled rider of this chair and are sure you are not at risk

to tip over.

b. Each time you modify or adjust your chair. The change may make it easier to

tip backward. Use anti-tip tubes until you adapt to the change and are sure
you are not at risk to tip over.

2. When locked in place (in the “down” position) anti-tip tubes should be BETWEEN

1 1/2 to 2 inches off the ground.
a. If set too HIGH, they may not prevent a tip-over.
b. If set too LOW, they may “hang up” on obstacles you can expect in normal

use. If this occurs, you may fall or your chair may tip over.

3. Keep Anti-Tip Tubes Locked In Place UNLESS:

a. You have an attendant; or
b. You have to climb or descend a curb, or overcome an obstacle, and can safely

do so without them. At these times, make sure anti-tip tubes are up, out of
the way.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control
may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.


Armrests detach and will not bear the weight of this chair.

1. NEVER lift this chair by its armrests. They may come loose or break.
2. Lift this chair only by non-detachable parts of the main frame.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control
may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.


1. Quickie sling seats and standard foam cushions are not designed for the relief

of pressure.

2. If you suffer from pressure sores, or if you are at risk that they will occur, you

may need a special seat system or a device to control your posture. Consult your
doctor, nurse or therapist to find out if you need such a device for your well-

3. Seat slings are not intended to be used as a direct seating surface. A cushion or

other seating surface should be placed on the sling before use.

If you fail to heed these warnings damage to your chair, a fall, tip-over or loss of control
may occur and cause severe injury to the rider or others.