Monitors connected via the network – Samsung 403Tn User Manual
Page 74

Removing Pro gram
Monitors connected vi a the Network
OSD Window
: Lists the n ame of th e mon itors registered to the network.
If a monito r is con nected to the network, its b ackground color turns yellow-green.
Viewing Schedul e
When A LL l Monitor i s sele cted:
You can view all s chedu les of all monitors reg is tered in the Fields
window (11). By us in g the menu displayed when the right mou se
button is clicked, you can tu rn a mon itor's power on/off, delete a
monitor, and change a monitor name.
When a monitor is selected :
The s chedu les for the s elected monitor are listed.
Changi ng the Name
Type a n ew n ame and click OK . T he changed name is saved.
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