Outline – Sony B2521E User Manual
Page 14

1. Outline
1. Outline
ROBOKIDS is a desktop assembly tool designed to automate cell production systems saving a significant
amount of power consumed by assembly lines. It may be used in a variety of applications by simply
exchanging the work unit and memory card. The basic operation procedures are common throughout the
applications enabling a smooth migration from one work to another.
• The programs required for an application are stored in the memory card “RK Card”.
Operation is started by inserting the specific memory card into the base machine and teaching the work
points. The machine may be switched to perform a different application be exchanging the memory card.
• The work points and the working speed may be set by using the simple operation teaching pendant
(option) even by someone who has just purchased ROBOKIDS.
• The power supply and controller are built inside the machine thus making the system transportable to the
place where it is needed.
• The machine is equipped with an external switch connector and also an USER I/O connector allowing
synchronous operation with external equipment. Remote operation is also possible.
The external switch and connector enabling operation of the machine by two operators, must
be prepared by the user.
Product Configuration
The base machine consists of two axes X-axis and Y-axis. It may be upgraded to three and four axes by
installing the optional Z-unit and ZR-unit respectively.