E. parallelism – Woodstock W1410 User Manual
Page 15

Shop Fox
CAUTION: DO NOT cut from the right side of
the fence if lead was adjusted for cutting on the
left side of the fence. The wood will pinch and
could cause dangerous kick-back.
To adjust the fence to the miter slot:
Step 1.
Unlock the fence and loosen the right hand set-
screw (#32). Figure 18.
Step 2.
The right roller is mounted off-center on its axle
(eccentric) so that as the axle is rotated, the roller
will move from front to back a small amount.
Since the rollers are firmly held against the front
rail, this has the effect of changing the alignment
of the fence with respect to the miter slot. Do not
rotate the axle more than 180° in either direction.
First, try moving it in one direction while watch-
ing the relationship between the side of the fence
and the miter slot. Figure 19. If half a turn is not
enough to align the two, go back half a turn to the
starting point and proceed in the other direction
until the fence is properly aligned.
NOTE: The nut under the right roller could come
loose during adjustment. If this occurs, lock the
axle by tightening the setscrew and then tighten
the nut. Use a liquid thread locker on the nut if the
problem persists.
Figure 17. Lead adjustment.
(Shown exaggerated for illustration purposes.)
Figure 18. Loosen setscrew.
If your table saw has been properly adjusted, the
saw blade should be parallel to the miter slot. If
your blade and miter slot are not parallel, refer to
your table saw manual to adjust the saw blade to
the miter slot correctly. Disconnect all electrical
power to the table saw and follow all safety rules
before you make any adjustments to your table
Align the front edge of the fence to the front edge
of the miter slot. Check to see if the fence is paral-
lel along the length of the miter slot.
Adjusting the fence parallel to the miter slot is
somewhat misleading in that it should not be
adjusted perfectly in line. The back end of the
fence should fall away from the miter slot approx-
" so the workpiece clears the opposite
end of the saw blade without binding. Figure 17.
This is called “lead” (pronounced leed). You don’t
have enough lead if there is “feather” or burning
on the wood as it is being cut.