Socket Mobile SDIO User Manual
Page 28

c. After successfully bonding with your phone, you may want to
set up your phone for automatic connections. See Appendix C,
“Automatic Phone Connections,” for instructions.
• If you did not save the dial-up password, the Network Log On
screen may appear. Enter the Password and tap OK.
c) When the Pocket PC starts calling, you should see the call status on
both the Pocket PC screen and phone display. After the Pocket PC
connects, it will receive/transmit the information as requested (e.g.,
Pocket Internet Explorer will display the requested website).
Connection icon: (Navigation bar at top of screen) indicates an active
dial-up or network connection
d) To use a different Bluetooth enabled phone for dial-up networking,
you can use the same connection setup, but you must make the
new phone your favorite. Just run the Get Connected! Wizard again,
select the new phone, and make it your new Favorite when
Alternatively, you can use the Bluetooth Devices folder to change
your favorite phone (see Chapter 4 for instructions).