Sony SonicStage Simple Burner User Manual

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Table of contents

Getting started

What you can do with the SonicStage

Simple Burner software ......................... 4
What is the ATRAC3plus? .................... 6
What is the ATRAC3? ........................... 6

Providing the required system

environment ........................................... 7

Installing the software ............................... 8

Before installing the software ............... 8
Installing the SonicStage

Simple Burner Ver. 1.0 ....................... 9

Using the software for the first time ........ 10

Before starting up the software ........... 10
Registering with the CDDB


.............. 10

Checking the reading capability of the

CD-R/RW drive ................................ 13

Starting up the SonicStage

Simple Burner ..................................... 14

Recording on CD-Rs/RWs

1 Selecting the tracks or files and making a

disc image to be recorded .................... 15
Selecting tracks from an audio CD ..... 16
Selecting tracks from among

MP3 files .......................................... 17

2 Editing a disc image to be recorded ... 19

Adding names ...................................... 19
Changing the order of tracks or

groups ............................................... 20

Creating a new group .......................... 20
Erasing tracks or groups ...................... 20

3 Recording a disc image on

a CD-R/RW ......................................... 21

Other information

Various settings ........................................ 23

Selecting the recording mode .............. 23
Setting a CD-R/RW drive .................... 23
Viewing version information ............... 24

Viewing CDDB information .................... 25

Confirming CD information registered

in the CDDB ..................................... 25

Sending CD information to

the CDDB ......................................... 25

Settings according to OS and

precautions .......................................... 26
Settings according to OS ..................... 26
For users with OpenMG Jukebox,

SonicStage, or SonicStage Premium
installed on their computer ............... 27

Uninstalling the software ......................... 29

For Windows XP users ........................ 29
For Windows Millennium Edition/

Windows 98 Second Edition users ... 30

For Windows 2000 users ..................... 30

Troubleshooting ....................................... 31

If the installation was not successful ... 32
Tracks do not appear on the display .... 32
You cannot record a CD on

a CD-R/RW. ...................................... 33

The time left for additional recording

on a CD-R/RW is too short. ............. 33

Recording was unsuccessful.

(You cannot play back the CD-R/RW
you created on your CD player.) ...... 34

You cannot use the SonicStage

Simple Burner. .................................. 34

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