Jameco Electronics Rabbit 3000 User Manual
Jameco Electronics Hardware
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Table of contents
Document Outline
- Rabbit 3000® Microprocessor User's Manual
- Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Rabbit 3000 Design Features
- 2.1 The Rabbit 8-bit Processor vs. Other Processors
- 2.2 Overview of On-Chip Peripherals and Features
- 2.2.1 5 V Tolerant Inputs
- 2.2.2 Serial Ports
- 2.2.3 System Clock
- 2.2.4 32.768 kHz Oscillator Input
- 2.2.5 Parallel I/O
- 2.2.6 Slave Port
- 2.2.7 Auxiliary I/O Bus
- 2.2.8 Timers
- 2.2.9 Input Capture Channels
- 2.2.10 Quadrature Encoder Inputs
- 2.2.11 Pulse Width Modulation Outputs
- 2.2.12 Spread Spectrum Clock
- 2.2.13 Separate Core and I/O Power Pins
- 2.3 Design Standards
- 2.4 Dynamic C Support for the Rabbit
- 3. Details on Rabbit Microprocessor Features
- 4. Rabbit Capabilities
- 5. Pin Assignments and Functions
- 6. Rabbit Internal I/O Registers
- 7. Miscellaneous Functions
- 7.1 Processor Identification
- 7.2 Rabbit Oscillators and Clocks
- 7.3 Clock Doubler
- 7.4 Clock Spectrum Spreader
- 7.5 Chip Select Options for Low Power
- 7.6 Output Pins CLK, STATUS, /WDTOUT, /BUFEN
- 7.7 Time/Date Clock (Real-Time Clock)
- 7.8 Watchdog Timer
- 7.9 System Reset
- 7.10 Rabbit Interrupt Structure
- 7.11 Bootstrap Operation
- 7.12 Pulse Width Modulator
- 7.13 Input Capture
- 7.14 Quadrature Decoder
- 8. Memory Interface and Mapping
- 9. Parallel Ports
- 10. I/O Bank Control Registers
- 11. Timers
- 12. Rabbit Serial Ports
- 12.1 Serial Port Register Layout
- 12.2 Serial Port Registers
- 12.3 Serial Port Interrupt
- 12.4 Transmit Serial Data Timing
- 12.5 Receive Serial Data Timing
- 12.6 Clocked Serial Ports
- 12.7 Clocked Serial Timing
- 12.8 Synchronous Communications on Ports E and F
- 12.9 Serial Port Software Suggestions
- 12.9.1 Controlling an RS-485 Driver and Receiver
- 12.9.2 Transmitting Dummy Characters
- 12.9.3 Transmitting and Detecting a Break
- 12.9.4 Using A Serial Port to Generate a Periodic Interrupt
- 12.9.5 Extra Stop Bits, Sending Parity, 9th Bit Communication Schemes
- 12.9.6 Parity, Extra Stop Bits with 7-Data-Bit Characters
- 12.9.7 Parity, Extra Stop Bits with 8-Data-Bit Characters
- 12.9.8 Supporting 9th Bit Communication Protocols
- 12.9.9 Rabbit-Only Master/Slave Protocol
- 12.9.10 Data Framing/Modbus
- 13. Rabbit Slave Port
- 14. Rabbit 3000 Clocks
- 15. EMI Control
- 16. AC Timing Specifications
- 16.1 Memory Access Time
- 16.2 I/O Access Time
- 16.3 Further Discussion of Bus and Clock Timing
- 16.4 Maximum Clock Speeds
- 16.5 Power and Current Consumption
- 16.6 Current Consumption Mechanisms
- 16.7 Sleepy Mode Current Consumption
- 16.8 Memory Current Consumption
- 16.9 Battery-Backed Clock Current Consumption
- 16.10 Reduced-Power External Main Oscillator
- 17. Rabbit BIOS and Virtual Driver
- 18. Other Rabbit Software
- 19. Rabbit Instructions
- 19.1 Load Immediate Data
- 19.2 Load & Store to Immediate Address
- 19.3 8-bit Indexed Load and Store
- 19.4 16-bit Indexed Loads and Stores
- 19.5 16-bit Load and Store 20-bit Address
- 19.6 Register to Register Moves
- 19.7 Exchange Instructions
- 19.8 Stack Manipulation Instructions
- 19.9 16-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops
- 19.10 8-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops
- 19.11 8-bit Bit Set, Reset and Test
- 19.12 8-bit Increment and Decrement
- 19.13 8-bit Fast A Register Operations
- 19.14 8-bit Shifts and Rotates
- 19.15 Instruction Prefixes
- 19.16 Block Move Instructions
- 19.17 Control Instructions - Jumps and Calls
- 19.18 Miscellaneous Instructions
- 19.19 Privileged Instructions
- 20. Differences Rabbit vs. Z80/Z180 Instructions
- 21. Instructions in Alphabetical Order With Binary Encoding
- Appendix A. The Rabbit Programming Port
- Appendix B. Rabbit 3000 Revisions
- B.1 Discussion of Fixes and Improvements
- B.1.1 Rabbit Internal I/O Registers
- B.1.2 Peripheral and ISR Address
- B.1.3 Revision-Level ID Register
- B.1.4 System/User Mode
- B.1.5 Memory Protection
- B.1.6 Stack Protection
- B.1.7 RAM Segment Relocation
- B.1.8 Secondary Watchdog Timer
- B.1.9 New Opcodes
- B.1.10 Expanded I/O Memory Addressing
- B.1.11 External I/O Improvements
- B.1.12 Short Chip Select Timing for Writes
- B.1.13 Pulse Width Modulator Improvements
- B.1.14 Quadrature Decoder Improvements
- B.2 Pins with Alternate Functions
- B.1 Discussion of Fixes and Improvements
- Appendix C. System/User Mode
- Appendix D. Rabbit 3000A Internal I/O Registers
- Notice to Users
- Index