Basic md operations, Playing back the entire md—normal play – JVC UX-Z7MDR User Manual

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While the unit is pulling in the MD:
• DO NOT press MD


• DO NOT close the electronic swing panel by


If the MD or track has a title

The title will appear in the main display for a while. (If a title is
long and cannot be shown at a time, the unit scrolls the title to
show the entire title.)

About recording length mode

MDs are played back in the same recording length mode as they
were recorded. When an MD starts playing, the playback mode of
the currently playing track appears in the main display.


Indicates the tracks recorded in standard stereo recording
mode on this unit or those recorded on an MD recorder
incompatible with MDLP (see below).

LP2: Indicates the tracks recorded in 2 times long-hour stereo

recording mode.

LP4: Indicates the tracks recorded in 4 times long-hour stereo

recording mode.

For more details, see page 38.

MDLP features a new sound compression method (ATRAC3)
and a 2 times (or 4 times) long-hour stereo recording and
playing function.
The MDLP logo is marked on the MD recorders and players
compatible with MDLP. It is also marked on MDs pre-recorded
in ATRAC3 (excluding recordable MDs).

Basic MD Operations

While playing an MD, you can do the following operations.

To stop playback for a moment

Press MD


The MD indicator and the elapsed playing time start
flashing on the display.
• When the key-touch tone is activated (see page 11), the

unit keeps beeping while pausing.

To resume playback, press MD

3/8 again.

To locate a particular point in a track during play

Press and hold

¢ or 4.

¢: Fast-forwards the track.

4: Fast-reverses the track.

Playing Back the Entire MD—Normal Play


Press MD

0 on the main unit.

The unit automatically turns on, the electronic swing
panel slides upward, then the MD loading slot appears.

• If an MD is already in the MD loading slot, it will

be ejected.


Insert an MD into the MD loading slot.
The MD is pulled in, then the electronic swing panel
slides downward automatically.

• When the current source is MD, the information on

the loaded MD appears in the main display as


Press MD


The MD indicator starts flashing on the display and
MD playback starts from the first track.
The recording length mode (SP/LP2/LP4) appears in
the main display. (About the recording length mode,
see the right column.)

MD playback stops automatically after playing all the
tracks on the MD.

To stop during play, press


To remove the disc, press MD


• After removing the disc, press MD

0 again to close the

electronic swing panel.

Insert an MD in the
same way as indicated
on the MD.

MD loading slot





1 MD indicator
2 Total track No.
3 Total group No. (when the

MD has groups)


4 Total playing time



When the loaded MD has no
group, the total group number
will be indicated by “– –.”


When the loaded MD has a
title, it will appear in the
main display for a while.


02.6.28, 13:48