Jbl audio engineering for sound reinforcement – JBM electronic Studio Monitors User Manual

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J B L co ntinually engages in re s e a rch re l ated to prod u ct improve m e nt . New mate ri a l s, p rod u ction methods and design re f i n e m e nts are int rod u ced into
existing prod u cts without notice as a routine ex p ression of that philosophy. For this re a s o n , a ny curre nt JBL prod u ct may differ in some re s pe ct from its
published description but will always equal or exceed the original design spe c i f i cations unless otherwise state d.


The JBL Warranty on professional loudspeaker products (except for enclosures) remains in effect for five years from the date of the first consumer purchase.
JBL amplifiers are warranted for three years from the date of the original purchase. Enclosures and all other JBL products are warranted for two years from
the date of the original purchase.

Your JBL Warranty protects the original owner and all subsequent owners as long as: A.) Your JBL product has been purchased in the Continental United
States, Hawaii or Alaska. (This Warranty does not apply to JBL products purchased elsewhere except for purchases by military outlets. Other purchasers
should contact the local JBL distributor for warranty information.) and B.) The original dated bill of sale is presented whenever warranty service is required.

Except as specified below, your JBL Warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship.The following are not covered: Damage caused by accident,
misuse, abuse, product modification or neglect; damage occurring during shipment; damage resulting from failure to follow instructions contained in your
Instruction Manual; damage resulting from the performance of repairs by someone not authorized by JBL; claims based upon any misrepresentations by
the seller; any JBL product on which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed. JBL will pay all labor and material expenses for all repairs
covered by this warranty.


by John Eargle and Chris Foreman

This book comprehensively covers all aspects of speech and music sound

reinforcement. It is divided into four sections: Section 1 provides the tuto-

rial fundamentals that all audio engineers will need, discussing subject s

such as fundamentals of acoustics, p s yc h o a c o u s t i c s, basic elect r i ca l

t h e o ry and digital processing. Se ction 2 deals with the fundamental

classes of hardware that the modern engineer will use, such as loud-

s p e a ker sys tems and components, m i c r o p h o n e s, m i xe r s, amplifiers and

signal processors. Special at tention is given to digital techniques fo r

s ys tem control and to audio signal analys i s. Se ction 3 deals with the

basics of sys tem design, from concept to final realizat i o n . It cove r s

topics such as basic sys tem type and speech inte l l i g i b i l i t y, s i te survey,

user needs analysis and project management. Se ction 4 discusses

individual design areas, such as sports facilities, l a r g e - s cale tour sound sys te m s,h i g h -

level music playback, systems for the theater, religious facilities, and other meeting spaces. The book
is written in an accessible style, but does not lack for ample amounts of technical information. JBL and
HPro brand products are prominently feature as examples to illustrate the principles and applications.
Available at bookstores and on line.