JBM electronic Studio Monitors User Manual

Studio monitors

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JBL has more ex pe ri e n ce in designing and building tra n s d u ce r s

for pro fessional studio monitors than any other co m p a ny.We

not only use the latest engineering and design equipment, b u t

also the most impo rt a nt test dev i ce of all, the human ear.We

be l i eve in phys i c s, not fads, so while other companies pick part s

off somebody else’s shelf, we cre ate our co m po n e nts fro m

s c ratc h .And by utilizing 60 years of ex pe ri e n ce in tra n s d u ce r

d e s i g n , we cre ate the pe rfe ct tra n s d u cer for each sys te m .

In the gre at tradition of JBL Studio Mo n i to r s, we are pleased

to offer the LSR6300 Se ries and the new LSR4300 Se ri e s—t h e

l atest in tra n s d u cer and sys tem te c h n o l ogy combined with

re ce nt bre a k t h roughs in re s e a rch and deve l o p m e nt to provide

a more accurate studio re fe re n ce.

The Linear Sp atial Refe re n ce (LSR) philosophy is based on a set

of design goals that ca refully co nt rol the ove rall pe rfo rm a n ce

of the sys tem in a va ri e ty of acoustic space s.I n s tead of foc u s i n g

on a simple measure m e nt such as on-axis fre q u e n cy re s po n s e,

JBL measures sys tems in a field 360 degrees around the spe a ke r

and engineers the ent i re sys tem to ensure off-axis re s po n s e

re f l e cted to the mix position is also smooth and accurate.Th e n

JBL goes a step further to ove rcome problems caused by low

f re q u e n cy room modes which plague mix engineers.A JBL first,

the RMC™ Room Mode Co rre ction sys tem is included in the

LSR6300 and LSR4300 Se ries monito r s.The RMC sys tem includes

eve rything needed to analyze LF problems and re s to re accura cy

at the mix po s i t i o n .

Studio Monitors


The National Academy Of Recording Arts and Sciences Presented the

2005 Technical GRAMMY® Award to JBL Professional for Continual Mastery

and Innovation in Concert, Studio, Cinema and Broadcast Sound and Monitors

to Ensure Exacting Standards for the Most Accurate Sonic Experience.