Ease v4.2 – JBM electronic Studio Monitors User Manual

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EASE v4.2

• Enhanced user-friendly windows for menus

and working surfaces allow direct access to
the various program modules and program

• Ample Speaker Data format of 5 Degrees and

1⁄3-Octave resolution, higher resolutions of up
to 1 Degree and 1⁄24-Octave bandwidth can
be stored in DLLs and used for calculations

• Introduction of complex Speaker Data

including magnitude and phase, direct
reading of measured impulse responses in all
common measuring-file formats (TEF20,

• Provision of Speaker-DLLs for Line-Arrays

• Cluster calculation modules for speaker

assemblies for far-field applications,DLLs for
near-field and far-field calculations

• Data format of wall materials expanded to

include diffusion coefficient

• Improved and simplified entering of room

data, no limitation of model components,
newly developed DXF import from AutoCAD
3D volume models, and entering of textures

• Simplified Room Modeling thanks to new

Tools like expanded Extrude function and
Object definition for partial models

• Room Visualization by high-definition

rendering technique and with textures

• New Hide Option as 3D Rendering by means

of lighting appliances

• New room-acoustical calculating module

AURA based on CAESAR (University of Aachen)
offers new and expanded tools and indexes
not available in v3.0

• 2D and 3D Mapping of all room-acoustical

measures according to ISO 3382 with due
application of the expanded Wall Material data
base (absorption and diffusion)

• New Ray-Tracing options in AURA, like

Echogram and AURA-Response

• Better visualization of impulse response


• New Predicted Tail computation for obtaining

a complete impulse response

• Expanded features of off-line and online

(real time) Auralization in EARS

• Real time auralization remains possible

without additional hardware and in dual
channel operation

• Storage capacity limited only by the actual

hardware layout

• EASE Speaker Lab module with GLL device

creation for array and cluster modeling,
allowing more accurate virtual importing into

• All versions can be purchased with 2 licenses

(full versions include 5 seats) for reduced cost.

EASE 4.2 for Wi n d ows is totally co m p atible with
EASE 3.0 and is capable of reading all EASE loud-
s pe a ker and pro j e ct data files and of co nve rt i n g
them into the new fo rm at . Cu rre nt EASE 3.0 users
will be able to upg rade to version 4.2 for a nominal
u pg rade charg e. A Pe nt i u m - I I I - Processor with
1000 Hz or more is re commended as a minimum
not only for meeting the re q u i re m e nts of aura l i s a-
t i o n . EASE is supplied on CD-ROM and re q u i res at
least 128 MB of RAM plus 150 MB of available hard
disk space (without dat a b a s e,which re q u i res
100 MB additionally).

L i ke Version 4.0, EASE 4.2 is a 32-bit prog ra m
capable of functioning with the ope rating sys te m s
Wi n d ows 98/NT/2000/XP.Wi n d ows 95 can no
longer be re co m m e n d e d,s i n ce it re q u i res spe c i a l
a d j u s t m e nts and Se rv i ce Pa c ka g e s.All fe at u res of
EASE 4.0 we re included in the new ve r s i o n .

EASE v4.2 is an acoustic simulation software program
designed for the Windows operating system that
provides sound system designers an invaluable tool for
predicting the performance of a sound system in a
given venue.The software program is primarily geared
toward large-room acoustics (churches, stadiums,arenas,
theaters, etc.) and with additions to v4.2 offers valuable
tools for smaller environments such as Privacy indexes for
office spaces, etc.

It includes numerous acoustical design and analysis tools for Contractors,
Engineers and Acoustical Consultants, and with the new Vision module offers greatly
improved visual rendering capabilities with the ability to add light sources and import surfaces, making it very desirable for the
Architectural world. All features of EASE 4.2 are available as a block, or as partial options.As before, licensing is effected by means of a
License Key; however, contrary to the procedure known from version 4.0, this can be obtained directly via the Internet immediately after
installation of the program.Program updates can be downloaded directly from the Internet, as well.

Special features of EASE 4.2 for Windows: