User instructions – Jaguar XK8 User Manual

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XK8 Range 1998

User Instructions

Figure and Data Page Layout

Figure Pages
Each Figure represents a specific electrical system of the vehicle. The Figures are arranged numerically by system
(01 – Power Distribution, 02 – Ground Distribution, etc.) with variations in the system identified by a numeral following
a decimal point (01.1, 01.2, etc.). Refer to the Table of Contents for a complete list of the Figures.

The Figures 01 – Power Distribution detail the distribution of power to each of the systems. Numbered reference symbols
refer the user to a specific Figure and from a specific Figure back to the Power Distribution Figures. This method eliminates
the need to include detailed Power Distribution information on each of the Figures. Similarly, the Figure 02 – Ground Distri-
details the ignition switched ground distribution. The reference symbols are defined on page 12.

Each Figure appears on a right-hand page with a corresponding Data page to the left. The Figure and Data pages are fold-
ing pages. The user must fold out both pages in order to access all the information provided.

Data Pages
The Data page includes information to assist the user in identifying and locating components, connectors and grounds.
This information is supplemented by the illustrations in this front section of the book.

When network data is required for the understanding of a particular circuit, the user is directed to the Appendix.

Where circuits include a Control Module, Pin Out information is provided with values for “active” and “inactive” states.
The values listed are approximately those that can be expected at the control module connector pins with all circuit con-
nections made and all components connected and fitted. “Active” means a load is applied or a switch is ON; “inactive”
means a load is not applied or a switch is OFF. This information is provided to assist the user in understanding circuit
operation and should be used FOR REFERENCE ONLY.