Vr-n100u users manual, Camera views, Options – JVC VR-N100U User Manual

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All Items Are Subject To Change Without Notice

Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0

4.6.4. Camera Views

Camera Views commands are only available for use on the Monitor Cameras page. Please refer to the above section 4.5
Definition of Toolbar Icons
where New View, Open View, Save (Ctrl+S) View, Edit/Delete View, Close View, Launch
Camera Control, and Full Screen View (F11) have been covered, and section 4.6.3 VR-N100Us for information regarding
Load Camera List.

4.6.5. Options

Many important setup options for VDRView are listed under the Options pull-down menu. They include configuring a VR-
N100U, determining options for discovering them, setting up communication methods, and finally setting up the cameras.
Once VDRView and the VR-N100U security appliances with cameras have been correctly configured, you will not need to
utilize most of these commands.

Please refer to the above section 4.5 Definition of Toolbar Icons where VDR Information, Setup IP Address, Administer (via
Web Browser)
, and Reflash Firmware have been covered. The rest of the feature selections on the Options Menu have no
companion toolbar icons. These options can be selected only from the menu.


This function will allow the administrator the ability to properly reboot the VR-N100U from within VDRView. A
login window will prompt access to the reboot page. Powering off/on or doing a hard reset on the VR-N100U
security appliance is never recommended as it may cause damage to the system as well as place the device
offline for a long period of time as the system has to recover from its “dirty shutdown.”

Enable Discovery via Microsoft Browsing…

This option provides VDRView will an alternative discovery method to locate VR-N100U security appliances if
any exist across the network in these domains: 1) the current domain, 2) the VR-N100U domain and the
Workgroup domain. The length of time Discover takes depends on the extent of the domains as defined above
and the number of VR-N100Us connected to them. This method is active only if there will be checkmark next to
the option (see below).