JVC VR-N100U User Manual
Page 30

Page 30 of 98
All Items Are Subject To Change Without Notice
Feb. 2004 Rev 1.0
3.3.4. Time Keeper
The Time/Date page allows the administrator to easily change or setup the current Date, Time and specify the local time zone
for the VR-N100U. It is very important to maintain the accurate local settings as it will directly affect the accurate ability to
search on any of the captured video. VR-N100U also uses the date and time settings when it is logging VR-N100U activities in
the Event/Motion Logs and tracking the creation date and time of ISO Image File creations.
3.3.5. Server Event Log
The Event Log displays a listing of all VR-N100U activities. The main page displays primary server events. Click on Details
button to view all server events. If you are having an unexplained problem with your VR-N100U, be sure to check the Event
Log to see if it has logged an indication or explanation of the problem.
NOTE: It is recommended that the VR-N100U administrator keeps an eye on the Event Log and clicks on the Clear the
Event Log to delete the log file as it may directly affect the performance if it becomes too large.
3.3.6. Server Event Notification
You can be assured of being notified about specific VR-N100U events when you enable the Alerts System Utility. If VR-
N100U reboots, for example, you and other designated recipients will be notified of the event via email.
This feature can be toggled on and off using the Enable Alerts field. You can configure the Alerts page and turn it off until you
are ready to use it.