Preparation for use – Jensen KT2056 User Manual
Page 5

Remove the clock radi o from the car ton and remove all packi ng material from
the clock radi o. We sugg est that you save the packi ng material, in the
unl ikel y even t that your radi o ever nee ds to be returned for ser vice. The
original car ton and packi ng material is the onl y saf e way to pack your radi o to
protect it form dam age in transi t.
Remove any descri ptive labe ls or sticker s on the front or top of the cabi net . Do
not remove any labe ls or sticker s from the back or bot tom of the cabi net .
Note the ser ial num ber on the bot tom of your radi o and write this num ber in the
spa ce provi ded on Page 2 of this manu al.
Place your clock radi o on a level sur face such as a tabl e, desk or shel f, conve nient
to an AC out let, out of direct sunl ight , and away from sources of excess hea t,
d irt, du st, moisture, hu midity, or vi bration.
Unwind the AC pow er cor d and ext end it to its full leng th. The FM ant enn a is
bui lt in to this cor d. It must be fully ext end ed to provi de the best FM recep tion.
The Sure-Alarm bat tery back up syst em in this clock radi o will maintain the time
and alarm set tings in the even t of a temporar y pow er interrupt ion. When the AC
pow er is rest ored the time and alarm set tings will be cor rect . If the AC pow er is
off at your wake up time, the Sure-Alarm syst em will use the bat tery pow er to
turn on the radi o or buzze r alarm as usua l, as long as the back up bat tery is
inst alled a nd h as su fficient power rem aining.
The Sure-Alarm bat tery back up syst em requ ires one 9-vol t bat tery, not incl ude d.
We recom mend that you inst all an alkal ine bat tery for long est life and best
perf ormance .