Jensen KT2056 User Manual
Page 4

Avoi d inst alling the uni t in locat ions desc ribed bel ow :
Places expos ed to direct sunlight or close to hea t radi ation app lianc es such
as el ectric heat ers.
Dusty pl aces.
Pl aces su bject to co nstant vi bration.
Humid or moist pl aces.
Thi s radi o is des igne d to ope rate on nor mal 120 V 60Hz AC power onl y. Do not
attempt to ope rate the radi o on any other power source. You could cause dam age
to the radi o that is not covered by your war rant y.
Thi s radi o shoul d be conne cted to an AC out let that is always 'live'. Do not conne ct
it to an out let that is controlled by a wal l swi tch. When the power to the radi o is
interrupt ed, the Sur e Alarm bat tery bac k up system takes over to maintain the time
and alarm settings . To maximize the life of the bac k up bat tery, keep the radi o
conne cted to a 'live' AC ou tlet at al l times.
Thi s radi o uses a pol arized AC plug whi ch has one blade wider that the other . Thi s
plug will onl y fit into a pol arized AC out let. Thi s is a safety feat ure. If the plug will not
fit, you may hav e an older non -pol arized AC out let. Do not def eat the safety feat ure
by trying to file the wider blade , or repl acing the plug. Cont act an electrician to
repl ace your outdat ed outlet.
AC Outlet
AC Plug