Intel cPCI-7200 User Manual

Page 57

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C/C++ Libraries


@ Syntax

Visual C++ (Windows 95)

int W_7200_DI_DMA_Start (U8 mode, U32 count, U32 handle,

Boolean wait_trg, U8 trg_pol, Boolean clear_fifo, Boolean


Visual Basic (Windows 95)

W_7200_DI_DMA_Start (ByVal mode As Byte, ByVal count As Long,

ByVal handle As Long, ByVal wait_trg as Byte, ByVal trg_pol

As Byte, ByVal clear_fifo As Byte, ByVal disable_di As Byte)

As Long

C/C++ (DOS)

int _7200_DI_DMA_Start (U8 mode, U32 count, U32 *di_buffer,

Boolean wait_trig, U8 trig_pol, Boolean clear_fifo, Boolean


@ Argument


Digital Input trigger modes

DI_MODE0: Internal timer pacer (TIME 0)
DI_MODE1: External signal I_REQ rising edge
DI_MODE2: External signal I_REQ falling edge
DI_MODE3: I_REQ & I_ACK handshaking

For non-double-buffered DI, this parameter denotes the number of

digital input samples to read. For double-buffered DI, it is the size of circular
buffer (in samples, not in bytes).
handle (Win95):

The handle of system DMA memory. In Windows 95,

before calling _7200_DI_DMA_Start, depending on using double-buffer
mode or not, either _7200_Alloc_DMA_Mem or
_7200_Alloc_DBDMA_Mem must be called to allocate a contiguous DMA
memory and get the handle.
di_buffer (DOS):

If double buffer mode is disabled, this is the start address

of the memory buffer to store the DI data. If double buffer mode is enabled,
this memory buffer is actually of no use. But the buffer size still must be
larger than the number of count (count*4 bytes). Use this buffer as transfer
buffer in _7200_DblBufferTransfer to make use of this buffer.
**This memory should be double-word alignment.


The waiting status of trigger

DI_NONWAITING: the input sampling will be start immediately
DI_WAITING: the input samples waiting rising or falling edge trigger
to start DI


trigger polarity

DI_RISING: rising edge trigger
DI_FALLING: falling edge trigger