Ikelite Nikon D200 User Manual

Page 3

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IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee GGeeaarr SSlleeeevvee

After the Zoom Clamp is installed.

Place the Gear Sleeve in the port opening of the housing ((FFiigg.. II)).

Lower the lens through the Gear Sleeve, aligning the grooves in

the Zoom Clamp with the ribs on the Gear Sleeve. Note that the

ribs of the Gear Sleeve should slide freely in the grooves of the

Zoom Clamp. If the Gear Sleeve does not slide freely, remove any

rubber strips on the inside of the Zoom Clamp ((FFiigg.. H

H)) or use

thinner rubber strips. Reinstall the Zoom Clamp on the lens and

lower the lens through the Gear Sleeve, aligning the grooves in

the Zoom Clamp with the ribs on the Gear Sleeve. Remount the

lens to the camera body, make sure the lens is locked into the

camera body. Position the Gear Sleeve teeth so they mesh with

the housing drive gear ((FFiigg.. JJ)). When the port is installed it will

lock the Gear Sleeve in place After installing the port, rotate the

housings Zoom Control Knob to see that the Gear Sleeve is

properly rotating the lenses Zoom ring.


Figure J

black housing


drive gear


gear sleeve


black housing

drive gear


IInnssttaallll tthhee GGeeaarr SSlleeeevvee

After the Zoom Clamp is installed, lower the appropriate Gear

Sleeve over the Zoom Clamp aligning the Gear Sleeve ribs with the

grooves in the Zoom Clamps extended tabs as shown ((FFiigg..D

D &

& EE)).

Note that the ribs of the Gear Sleeve should slide freely in the

grooves of the Zoom Clamp. If the Gear Sleeve does not slide

freely, remove any rubber strips on the inside of the Zoom Clamp,

if no rubber strips are installed then try using the Zoom Clamp

and Gear Sleeve for Type 2 lenses in the #5509.28 package.
Lower the Gear Sleeve into the port opening of the housing so

the teeth on the Gear Sleeve mesh with the teeth on the housing

Drive Gear ((FFiigg.. GG)).. When the port is installed it will lock the

Gear Sleeve in place. After installing the port, rotate the housings

Zoom Control Knob to see that the Gear Sleeve is properly

rotating the lenses Zoom ring.


Figure G

black housing


drive gear


gear sleeve


black housing

drive gear



IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee ZZoooom

m CCllaam

mpp &

& GGeeaarr SSlleeeevvee O

Onn TTyyppee 22 LLeennsseess

Due to the larger diameter of lens opening on Type 2 lenses, the

Zoom Clamp and Gear Sleeve need to be installed from the rear

(bayonet end) of the lens. Use the housings Lens Release Control

and remove the camera lens from the camera body.

IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee ZZoooom

m CCllaam


The Zoom Clamp has springs so

it can be expanded to fit over the

Zoom ring of the lens as shown

in ((FFiigg.. II)). Install the Zoom Clamp

with the extension tabs toward

the rear element of the lens. After

installing the Zoom Clamp, check

that when rotating the Zoom

Clamp it rotates the

Zoom ring on the

lens. If the Zoom

Clamp is not tight

enough to rotate

the Zoom ring on

the lens, remove

the Zoom Clamp

and install the rubber

strips (supplied) to the inside of

the Zoom Clamp as shown ((FFiigg.. H


Two thickness of rubber strips

are provided. Start by installing

the thinnest rubber strips, if the

Zoom Clamp still is not tight

enough use the thicker rubber

strips. Reinstall the Zoom Clamp.


Type 2 Installation: Figure 1


Figure I

Type 2



rubber strips

to inside of


Figure H




zoom clamp



tab with

gear sleeve



IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee PPoorrtt

There are two port locks on

the front of the housing.

(See housing front) Each

port lock has a Release

Button, lift the release

button and slide each Port

Lock away from the port

opening. In the unlocked

position the Release Button

will remain in the up

position as shown.

To prepare the port for installation, remove the port o’ring and

lightly lubricate it. The port seal is a side-to-side seal and

requires the o’ring to be lightly lubricated for easy installation.

Put a small amount of lubricant on your fingers and draw the

o’ring through your fingers to lightly lubricate it. Do not stretch

the o’ring. Check that the lip of the port where the o’ring fits

and the sealing surface on the housing are clean. Place the port,

with o’ring into the housing’s port opening. Press down on the

port firmly and evenly until you feel the port slide into place.

Continue to push down on the port and push each port lock

forward until it clicks into place. It may help to slightly rotate

the port as you push in on the port lock. When the port lock

clicks into place the Release Button will drop down against the

port lock.
Check around the perimeter of the port seal to see that the

o’ring is properly sealed and not extruded.

Port Lock

Lift Release
Button to

Pull Back to

Unlocked Position

Locked Position