Insignia NS-DPF8TR User Manual
Page 42

. A My Computer window (similar to the one
below) will open.
Your digital picture frame shows up as a removable
drive. The letters of the drives may be different on your
computer, depending on how many drives already exist.
The figure above shows the internal memory of the unit
and the two card slots (SD/MMC/MS/xD and Compact
Flash) as removable drives E:, F:, and K:.
Click on the drives to show the contents of the internal
memory and any memory cards inserted into the card
slots. All three drives can be opened into separate
windows. Files can be transferred from your computer
to your digital picture frame by dragging the files from a
folder on your computer to any of the three drives on
the unit. Files may also be transferred between your
computer, the frame's internal memory and any inserted
memory cards when the frame is connected to a
computer. Files may also be deleted using this
procedure. Page 42 Monday, July 6, 2009 3:34 PM