IBM ZG09-0629 User Manual
Page 24

IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Hardware Announcement ZG09-0629
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
Benin Lesotho Serbia West Bank
Botswana Liberia Somalia Yemen
Burundi Malawi Tanzania
Cameroon Mali Togo
Chad Mauritania Uganda
Djibouti Moldavia Zambia
Eritrea Montenegro Burkina Faso
Ethiopia Mozambique Cape Verde
Gabon Niger Central African Republic
Gambia Nigeria Congo, Republic of the
Ghana Oman Cote d'Ivoire
Guinea Qatar Belarus
Armenia Tajikistan South Africa
Azerbaijan Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan
Georgia Ukraine Uzbekistan
Kazakhstan Iraq Lebanon
Netcool/OMNIbus and ServiceSuite are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United
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IBM, System z, Power, System p, System i, System x, AIX and Tivoli are registered
trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States,
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Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of
Terms of use
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and prices in effect at the time. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw this
announcement at any time without notice. This announcement is provided for
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