ioSafe R4 User Manual
Page 66

P/N: 900-10004-00 REV 02 USER GUIDE, IOSAFE R4
S c h e d u l e f u l l b a c k u p
First, select when you want full backups to be performed. You can elect to do this just at the first
time, every week, every two weeks, every three weeks, every four weeks, or every time this backup
job is invoked. The first full backup is performed at the next scheduled occurrence of the backup
depending on the schedule you specify, and the next full backup is performed at the weekly interval
you choose calculated from this first backup. Incremental backup is performed between the full
backup cycles.
Backups of Web or FTP site only have the option to do full backup every time.
S e n d b a c k u p l o g
Backup logs can be sent to the users on the Alert contact list when the backup is complete. It is a
good idea to select this option to make sure files are backed up as expected. You can elect to send
only errors encountered during backup, full backup logs consisting of file listing (can be large), or
status and errors (status refers to completion status).
Backup log e-mails are restricted to approximately 10K lines. To view the
full backup log (regardless of length), select Status > Logs and click the
Download All Logs link.
R e m o v e f i l e s f r o m d e s t i n a t i o n f i r s t
Select if you want to erase the destination path contents before the backup is performed. Be careful
not to reverse your backup source and destination as doing so can delete your source files for good.
It is safer to not select this option unless your device is running low on space. Do experiment with a
test share to make sure you understand this option.
R e m o v e d e l e t e d f i l e s o n b a c k u p t a r g e t f o r R s y n c
By default, files deleted in the backup source will not get deleted in the backup destination. With
Rsync, you have the option of simulating mirror mode by removing files in the backup destination
deleted from the backup source since the last backup. Select this option if you wish to do this. Do
experiment with a test share to make sure you understand this option.