ioSafe R4 User Manual
Page 54

P/N: 900-10004-00 REV 02 USER GUIDE, IOSAFE R4
In this tab, you can select the default access at the top and optionally specify the host(s) that you
wish to allow restrict access to in the Share Access Restriction box.
S h a r e A c c e s s R e s t r i c t i o n
For instance, select read-only for default access and list the hosts you wish to allow access to.
Access from all other hosts will be denied. For example, to allow only host read-only
access to the share, specify the following:
Default: Read-only
Hosts allowed access:
Multiple hosts can be separated with commas (see Appendix B for more description of valid host
formats.) For example, if you wish to limit access to the share to particular hosts, you can enter host
IP addresses or valid DNS hostnames in the Host allowed access field. In addition, you can enter a
range of hosts using common IP range expressions such as:
The above designations all allow hosts with IP addresses through
Towards the bottom of the Windows [CIFS] tab, you’ll notice the Share Display, Recycle Bin,
and Opportunistic Locking options.