Marathon MAGNUM ROUTER User Manual
Page 81

Chapter 7: Magnum Router GUI Manager
As stated in the above screen, the upgrade program needs to use the Microsoft FTP program
that is supplied with the Windows operating system. If the FTP program on the PC that is
running the Magnum Router Manager uses a third party FTP client program, then a manual
upgrade will be required.
If the PC running the Magnum Router Manager does have the Microsoft FTP client program,
then click on Auto Continue.
If a manual upgrade is required, perform the following steps:
• Start the FTP client program and access the Magnum Router
• Enter the username of magnum
• Enter a password of magnum
• Send all files located in the temporary directory
• Logoff the Magnum Router
Once these steps have been completed, click on the Continue Manually button at the bottom
of the screen and refer to the Magnum Router Upgrade (continued) section of this chapter.
The next step is to identify which IP address to send the files to. All of the IP addresses
assigned to a Magnum Router are automatically loaded. Select the appropriate IP address and
click “Continue” to proceed, or click “Cancel to return to the Magnum Router Manager Main