MK Sound MPS-5310 User Manual

Page 9

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E. M&K speaker system with an LFE-4 Bass Management Controller or some other form of

bass management system.


If possible, have one person sit at the listening/monitoring position and read the SPL meter, while
another person adjusts the trim pots. The SPL meter should be held at arm’s length at ear height.


When the slot of the trim LFE-4/LFE-5 pot is pointing at the top cover, the system gain is
approximately 0dB.

The Test CD

The test CD has three tracks on it to aid in setup.

Track #1

Pink noise at -20dBfs band limited from 500Hz to 2kHz.
This test signal is used to set levels on the front speakers and the surrounds.

Track #2

Pink noise at -20dBfs band limited from 40Hz to 80 Hz.
This test signal is used to check the subwoofer balance and to set the level of the LFE


#3 1 kHz sine wave at -20dBfs.

This test signal is used to set the 0VU reference on your mixer.

System Calibration

Placing your Speakers:


Set up the speakers in their final locations, preferably at equal distance from the listening position.
For additional information, on speaker placement see the speaker placement section in this



If the speakers are moved it is recommended that the system be fully recalibrated.

Configuring your console and signal path chain:


Remove all EQ from the mixer channels and the signal path.


Turn all volume controls in the signal chain to their “Reference Level” position. These volume

controls include the console, equalizers, power amplifiers, remote control faders, signal selectors
etc. The “Reference Level” position is your defined reference playback level, which is usually 85dB

SPL for film, video and music. For the rest of these instructions, we will assume that is 85dB SPL
as your reference level. If you are not using 85dB then substitute the level you use wherever you
see 85dB SPL.

Setup the CD Player:


Connect either the left or the right channel (do not sum the outputs) of the CD player to the input
of your mixing console and route that channel to the desired output (i.e. left front).

Calibration of the front and surround speakers:

For each of the front and surround speakers do the following.


Route the CD output to the speaker you want to calibrate (i.e. Left Front)


Select CD track #3 and set the level on the console for 0VU. Do not move the faders once you
have set this level.