Quick product overview, Subwoofer placement – MK Sound MPS-5310 User Manual
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The MPS-5310 is a 350-Watt powered subwoofer that is certified for THX pm3 applications with reference
level output in rooms up to approximately 3000 Cubic Feet in volume (multiple subs can be used for larg-
er room applications).
The MPS-5310 features M&K Professional’s exclusive Headroom Maximizer Circuit
, which allows the full-
uncompressed dynamics of the audio signal to be heard up to the subwoofer's full capacity - while pre-
venting amplifier clipping and distortion. The MPS-5310 also features M&K Professional’s Deep Bass
sealed-box design, which produces significant low-frequency output, with an in-room response flat to
frequencies well below 20 Hz. Unlike subwoofers with vented cabinets, which have an extremely sharp
roll off (24dB per octave or more) below the lower limit of their "flat" response (also can be referred to as
the ports cut-off frequency), the MPS-5310 reproduces bass frequencies below 20Hz with excellent
transient response, accuracy and an authority that other subwoofers cannot match.
The MPS-5310 subwoofer will deliver excellent performance located virtually anywhere in your studio.
M&K Professional’s subwoofers are designed so that their output is not localizable when used with prop-
er bass-management electronics. Therefore, there is no need to place your subwoofer either between your
main speakers or in any specific location, other than the one that offers the best spectral response.
Methodology For Placing Subwoofers
The low frequency response and efficiency of a subwoofer are heavily influenced by the acoustics of the
playback environment. More specifically, the response is influence by the room’s dimensional ratios, types
of construction and location of the subwoofer within that environment. You can significantly improve the
subwoofer’s in-room response and efficiency by experimenting with various room placements until you find
an optimum location.
When placing the subwoofer there are several general guidelines that should be kept in mind. These
Every acoustic space is unique and experimentation is an important key in finding the best
possible location in your particular environment.
A subwoofer becomes more acoustically efficient (has greater output) as you move it closer to a
room surface (e.g. wall or floor).
A subwoofer will give maximum output and maximum acoustic excitement when it is located in a
Under certain acoustic conditions corner locations are optimum; in others they can excite
multiple room modes, producing “muddy” or “boomy” sound.
The following method has been found to work successfully under most conditions:
Subwoofer Placement Using a Real Time Analyzer
(e.g. Gold Line or The Audio Toolbox
by TerraSonde)
Place the subwoofer at the main monitoring position and connect the subwoofer to your pink noise gen-
erator. Turn on your pink noise generator and raise the level of the subwoofer high enough so that low fre-
quencies are not masked by the background noise in the room. Now set the analyzer to 1/12 octave res-
olution (or whichever setting provides the highest resolution on your particular analyzer), real time mode
and begin to take measurements around the room. If the analyzer you are using has the ability to do real
time averaging, then use this function to better analyze the spectral response.