Motorola i55sr Phone User Manual

Page 40

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Text Display Area

On the Ready screen, the text displayed in this area is determined by your

wireless communications provider. When you access other screens, this area

displays menu options, messages, names, phone numbers, and other


The number of lines of text displayed in the text display area depends on which

display view is selected — Standard view, Compressed view, or Zoom view.

(For more information, see “Setting Text Display” on page 128.) In Standard

view, five lines of text are displayed.

NOTE: Standard view is the default display setting. Unless otherwise

noted, illustrations in this User’s Guide depict Standard view.

Menu Icon

This menu icon

m appears on any screen from which a menu can be accessed.

To access a menu, press the menu key on your keypad. This key has the menu

icon printed on it.

Menus are context sensitive. The menu that appears depends on the screen you

access it from and the items on the menu apply to the task you are currently


Pressing the menu key from the Ready screen accesses the main menu.

Display Options

Two display options appear at the bottom of most screens. These options enable

you to perform a wide variety of actions, including changing, saving and

viewing information, running programs, and canceling previous actions. You

activate a display option by pressing the option key below it.

The Ready screen display options provide quick access to two main menu

features. By default, the Phonebook (PHBK) and Messages (MESG) display

options appear on the Ready screen. You can control which display options

appear on the Ready screen using the phone’s Personalize feature in the Settings

menu (see “Changing Ready Screen Options” on page 124).

The display options on screens other than the Ready screen cannot be
