Routefinder, Multi-tech, Who’s – Multi-Tech Systems Multi-Tech RouteFinder RF850 User Manual

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Stateful Packet Inspection firewall

E-mail anti-virus protection

Content and spam filtering

Secure IPSec and PPTP VPN



Plug-and-Play Security Appliance

The RouteFinder security appliance plugs in at the Internet connection

of each office. It provides three independent network interfaces (LAN,

WAN and DMZ) that separate the protected office network from the

Internet while offering an optional public network for hosting Web, e-mail

or ftp servers. Each network interface is independently monitored and

visually displayed on the front of the appliance.

State-of-the-Art Firewall Security

The RouteFinder security appliance is ICSA-certified to provide

network layer security utilizing Stateful Packet Inspection,

the sophisticated firewall technology found in large enterprise

firewalls, to protect the network against intruders and Denial of Service

(DoS) attacks. It also uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to hide

internal, non-routable IP addresses and allows internal hosts with

unregistered IP addresses to function as Internet-reachable servers.

In addition to network layer security, the RouteFinder security appliance

provides application level security using SMTP, HTTP, DNS and SOCKS

proxies. It also utilizes filters to block specific Internet content to protect

against viruses, dangerous ActiveX controls, Java, Javascript, and Cookies.

An automatic update feature provides the highest level of security by

automatically downloading and installing the latest system software

and security patches protecting against any newly discovered hacker

attacks with a single click.

E-mail Anti-virus Protection

Computer viruses are one of the leading security threats

to Internet-connected networks. Users can unknowingly

receive and launch dangerous viruses that can damage

data or cause computer crashes. Viruses can also be used as delivery

mechanisms for hacking tools, compromising the security of the network,

even if a firewall is installed.

An optional e-mail virus protection subscription utilizes Kaspersky’s

high-performance, ICSA-tested, anti-virus engine which checks both

incoming and outgoing e-mail for viruses in real-time. Automatic

anti-virus updates are downloaded at user-defined intervals to ensure

protection is current. The e-mail anti-virus protection can be easily

renewed on an annual basis. Ask about our free 30-day evaluation.

Content Filtering

The RouteFinder security appliance supports an optional URL content filtering

subscription. It utilizes SurfControl


’s content categorization list, the world’s

largest database of Internet content, which includes 5 million websites covering

over 900 million web pages. Daily updates of categorized sites are available for

download. In addition, it includes URL access and deny

reporting. The subscription can easily be renewed on

an annual basis. Ask about our free 30-day evaluation.

Spam Filtering

A free spam filtering feature protects your network from unsolicited bulk e-mail

utilizing real-time, as well as, user-definable white and black lists. In addition,

the spam filter checks for null sender and bad address patterns in e-mail

addresses. It also utilizes the reverse DNS test, as well as, attachment and

expression filters.

Secure VPN Connections

The RouteFinder security appliance uses IPSec and PPTP industry standard

protocols, data encryption, user authentication, and the Internet to provide

high-performance, secure VPN connections. For LAN-to-LAN connectivity, the

RouteFinder security appliance utilizes the IPSec protocol with strong 3DES and

AES encryption using IKE and PSK key management.

For Client-to-LAN connectivity, Multi-Tech offers optional IPSec client software

allowing road warriors and telecommuters secure access to the company’s internal

network. The RouteFinder security appliance also supports remote users that

want to use the PPTP VPN client built into the Windows operating system. This

provides 40-bit or 128-bit encryption, user name and password authentication.


The RouteFinder security appliance includes a suite of integrated monitoring

and reporting tools that help administrators troubleshoot the Internet security

system and report Internet usage to management. This includes reporting on

system uptime, hardware and network utilization. HTTP and SMTP proxy reports

provide information about any actions needed to handle virus-infected e-mails.

The RouteFinder security appliance also disables and logs attempted port scans.

In addition, it provides

accounting reports and a

self-monitor that sends

an e-mail notification of

system-level issues.

Robust, Easy-to-Use Management

The RouteFinder security appliance includes robust management support allowing

a network administrator to securely manage the devices either through a web

browser or at the command line. The browser-based option uses the HTTP or HTTPS

protocol, also known as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), to provide 128-bit encryption

to secure the management session. The command line interface is accessible via

SSH (Secure Shell) and supports SCP (Secure Copy).

User Authentication

To increase the level of security, user identity can be verified before access to Internet

services is permitted. The RouteFinder security appliance supports authentication

at a local user database as well as at external user databases, like Windows 2000

or Radius server.

Automatic Dial Backup

The RouteFinder security appliance provides a serial port that, when connected

to a dial-up modem or ISDN terminal adaptor, can serve as a backup resource

for Internet access and VPN tunneling if your cable or DSL service goes down.

In addition, the RouteFinder RF860 model includes a built-in modem.

QoS/Bandwidth Allocation

Enabling QoS on the RouteFinder security appliances allows administrators to

customize upstream and downstream bandwidth allocation. Custom priority

rules allow administrators to assign a percentage of available bandwidth based

on the packet’s protocol. These packet filter rules help mold traffic and set

preferential treatment for certain services or host IPs.

Dual WAN Load Balancing, Internet and VPN Failover

The DMZ port, on the RouteFinder security appliance, can also function as a second

WAN port for Internet access. This allows for two separate ISP connections giving

administrators the ability to balance traffic by distributing it over the two links. In

addition, if one port were to go down, the RouteFinder security appliance would

automatically re-route all Internet and VPN traffic to the other connection. The

second WAN port greatly enhances performance and system uptime.

High Availability

Redundancy is the primary method of increasing any systems’ availability. To achieve

high availability, the RouteFinder security appliance utilizes a clustering solution,

where two RouteFinder appliances act in conjunction with each other with one

appliance acting as the main system providing the services and the other acting

as a standby system. If the main system were to go down, it would automatically

failover to the standby system to provide continuous availability without an

interruption of service

RouteFinder SOHO

The RouteFinder SOHO security appliance is ideal

for the small branch office or telecommuter who

needs secure access to the corporate LAN. In addition to

providing one or two WAN Ethernet port(s) for DSL or cable broadband Internet

access, it also offers both client-to-LAN and LAN-to-LAN VPN connectivity based

on the IPSec or PPTP protocols. The RouteFinder SOHO security appliance provides

3DES and AES encryption to ensure that your information remains private.

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focus: connecting voice and data

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