Introduction – Me Inc NumaLink-3.0 User Manual

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NumaLink-3.0™ Users Guide and Service Manual

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1. Introduction

Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about
anything, we ought to know a little about everything.”

Blaise Pascal

NumaLink-3.0 is an OEM-to-OEM nuclear medicine image translator that supports translation among a
number of OEM data formats. NumaLink-3.0 also provides translation to the DICOM 3.0 standard for
nuclear medicine as well as communication directly with DICOM 3.0 compliant applications (DICOM by

A translation type is defined as a translation from one specified OEM format to another. NumaLink-3.0
will support one or more translation types, as specified in a customer-modifiable configuration. Data
paths are specified for each defined translation type; optionally, various translation and customization
parameters may also be specified per translation type.

Debug capabilities allow a translation to be divided into input, customization and output phases; the
results of each phase can be examined.

The NumaLink-3.0 Graphic User Interface (GUI) provides user-friendly configuration and control.
Alternatively, a command line interface supports all features of the GUI as well as several extensions for

Logging is provided to maintain a history of translations and any resulting errors.

Caching is provided, which, in conjunction with debugging, allows translations to be re-executed without
re-transferring the input files.

Subsequent section in this guide discuss:

• Installation and getting started

• An overview of NumaLink-3.0

• How to configure translations using the GUI

• Technical Support

• OEM configuration information

• Command line and configuration file