Mad Catz GameShark 2 User Manual

Page 25

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c) Deleting a Group Folder
When deleting a group folder, all saves contained within that group folder will be
placed in the special group folder known as the ‘Recycle Bin’ where saves can be
retrieved at anytime.

Follow the simple steps below to delete a group folder:
1. Highlight the group folder you wish to delete by clicking the mouse cursor on

your chosen group folder.

2. Press the ‘DELETE’ key on your PC keyboard or use the mouse and click the

DELETE’ button.

d) Renaming a Group Folder
Follow the steps below to can edit existing group folder:
1. Highlight the group folder you wish to edit by clicking the mouse cursor on your

chosen group folder name.

2. Use the mouse and click the ‘Edit’ button and a dialogue box will appear with

the existing group folder name.

3. Once you have finished editing the group folder name, use the mouse to click
on ‘OK’ to confirm your changes or click on ‘Cancel’ to discard any changes.

PLEASE NOTE: When renaming group folders, you will not be able to use an
existing group folder name.

e) Adding and Editing Save Descriptions on your PC
Information for each save is stored on your PC and will be shown in the bottom
window of the PC Panel. The information displayed in this window will include file-
name, created/modified dates, file size, and a save description.

Save descriptions can be extremely useful for identifying each save stored on your
PC, for example a save description could read “My Save, All Characters unlocked”

Follow the steps below to edit or add a save description to saves stored on your PC:
1. Use your mouse to highlight your chosen save in the PC Panel.
2. Use the mouse to click the ‘Edit’ button.
3. A dialogue box will appear allowing you to edit or add your own save description.
4. Once you’ve edited the description, click your mouse on ‘OK’ to confirm your

changes or click on ‘Cancel’ if you do not wish discard any changes.

PLEASE NOTE: You can only edit or add save descriptions to saves that are
stored on your PC. Save descriptions will not be transferred onto your PS2 memory
card from the PC.

f) Deleting Saves Stored on your PC
Once you have deleted a save file it cannot be recovered! Please use this function
with caution, especially if you don’t have a backup of your saves.

To delete saves from the PC Panel, simply use the mouse to select the saves you
wish to delete and press the ‘DELETE’ key on your keyboard or use the mouse
and click the ‘Delete’ button.

To delete more than one save at a time, simply hold down the “Ctrl” button on your
keyboard whilst selecting the saves you want to delete. Now when you delete, all
the highlighted saves will be deleted together.

GameShark V4 Tin UG English 10/24/03 4:55 PM Page 25